Losing inches but not weight

Hi gang, I think I posted this in the wrong forum before. I hope you don't mind the following novel but I need all the info I can get.

I had signed up for MFP back in 2012,. Back then I was 6'0 and weighed 290 pounds. My body type is between Endomorph and Mesomorph. I just logged back into MFP yesterday and my current weight is 279. For the past two months I have been lifting weights and changed my diet. I lift 3-5 times a week. I sometimes participate in body pump once a week. I also do 20 min interval cardio on either the treadmill or elliptical machine.

My problem, I have lost weight in my stomach and around my waist, but I am stuck bouncing in weight between 275-279 pounds. I have been stuck here for about a month. This is what brought me back to MFP. I figure it has to be my diet and low cardio that has caused me to stay at the same weight. One thing I found out using the log is that my sugar intake was way too much. I eat lots of fruit throughout the day to stem my craving for bad sweets. But I think the sugar along with needing more cardio are my main killers.

So now I am planning my meals and going to (try) to increase my cardio and hope to drop more weight. I'm just hoping not to lose the muscle I have gained. So any suggestions or tips would be appreciated.



  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    I'm not an expert by any means, but I'll attempt to answer anyways (Even if I'm way wrong, maybe someone else will see it and correct me!).

    By lifting weights you're simultaneously burning fat/gaining muscle, thus you lose inches (the fat) and the number on the scale doesn't budge.

    Be sure to know the difference between good and bad sugars; the sugar in a strawberry is better than a piece of chocolate cake, but unfortunately MFP doesn't differentiate between the two. If you eat lots of fruit everyday and still go over your sugar count, it may not necessarily be an excess of bad sugar.

    If you'd like to add cardio, go ahead and add cardio! Play around and see if it helps budge the numbers; if your weight remains the same, it's probably just due to the muscle (which isn't a bad thing)!

    Good luck!
  • I agree, as long as you are eating the correct kind of sugars (non processed), it is okay to be over your sugar limit - because not only are you eating food that is good for you, you are also getting all kinds of vitamins that you wouldn't get other wise. I would say just make sure that you are within your kcal limit and try to stay within your Macro count range and just make sure that you are eating enough for the amount of activity that you are doing.
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    True, if you are only Lifting, and lifting heavy then you are building muscle... muscle eats fat, when im concentrating of lifting and not doing much cardio i will see my numbers on the scale stay where they are or even go up... when i do my cardio phases though thats when i see the weight come off. Although i usually include HIIT cardio into my routine a couple times a week when lifting.

    Balance your meals, Add cardio, and by cardio i dont mean run on the treadmill for longer, i mean good hard HIIT cardio. youll start seeing those numbers drop. try to replace some fruit with veggies btw... not as sweet but you learn to appreciate their subtle sweetness.