Addicted and obsessed

Iv reached my weight loss goal but still dont look the way I would like (need to loose more fat) but i have started to get a bit obsessed with
Eating good its actually driving me crazy :s as as soon as i put my son to bed i am thinking about chocolate or sweets And I give Iin I still dont go over my.calorie goal but iv been told of you have sugar you wont loose fat. What would use do? Try and be good and resist those bad choices and have a treat day or be happy with the way you are, eat what you want as long as it is in your calorie range and just exercise alot to loose the fat??
All I want is to loose my baby belly and I know you cant loose fat in a specific place which sucks. Feels likes its taking forever. I was orionaly at 35% body fat and im now 23% .

Would love to see some comments :)


  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    If you are eating at a caloric deficit, it should not matter if you have some sugar in your diet
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    this is going to come out quite blunt and i make no apologies for that. some people are addicted to calorie counting/tracking every step they take and bite they take. i used to be one of them. some people hold onto this website as a crutch. meanwhile they feel deprived and think about all the bad things they could eat. in a way it's like rebellion because they are tired of it. but they can't let it go. it is hard to let it go. but i did it 6 months ago. and it's been very freeing. i still have an account on here but i dont' use it anymore, i'm even thinking of deleting it. the hard thing is a lot of times if you ask other people on here if they think it can be an obsession, they don't see it because they themselves are also in the obsession too. of course they won't admit it is. but not everyone on here, some people are able to do great with it and not let it take over their mindset. for some of us though, we need to take breaks from it so it doesn't control us . i know that sounds crazy but it's true. this website has very good intentions but over the years i have seen a lot of eating disordered people get worse using it.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Sugar isn't going to stop you from losing weight if you're eating at a calorie deficit. Whoever told you that is stupid. If you have room for chocolate or something sugary in your daily allotment, go for it.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Iv reached my weight loss goal but still dont look the way I would like (need to loose more fat) but i have started to get a bit obsessed with
    Eating good its actually driving me crazy :s as as soon as i put my son to bed i am thinking about chocolate or sweets And I give Iin I still dont go over my.calorie goal but iv been told of you have sugar you wont loose fat. What would use do? ....
    I was orionaly at 35% body fat and im now 23% .

    Would love to see some comments :)

    Be really glad you got that body fat down! That is a great achievement!!
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    as soon as i put my son to bed i am thinking about chocolate or sweets And I give Iin )

    Do you need to have chocolate and sweets in your house? I know you have a child, but that's not a reason to keep that temptation in your house. Can you try to not have them in your house, say, for 2 or 3 weeks? And load up on veggies instead? For me, the more I eat carbs, (and sweets) the the more I want them. Vicious cycle.
  • rockinchick221976
    rockinchick221976 Posts: 346 Member
    I think if you are staying within your calorie goal, incorpotrating chocolate or sweets a couple of days a week so that you don't feel deprived is not going to make too much difrerence. Think about it, if you ate junk food most of the week and ate healthy only a couple of days a week, do you think those two days of eating healthy would matter? Probably not. The reverse is also true. A couple of days of splurging on chocolate or ice cream is not going to undo an entire week of eating healthy. I follow the guidelines very closely on a day to day basis. If I'm allowed 25 grams of suger, I try very hard not to exceed that. I'm always under on my calorie and carb goal, but usually am ,over on protein and sodium. Suger is something I really struggle to keep on target, but occasionally I will go over. If I feel like having a snickers bar after a whole week of staying on track, I'm having it. And guess what it's not going to matter. Life is too short to deprive yourself, as long as you don't let it get out of control, you'll be fine. I lost 25 lbs last summer, on my own, before I even joined MFP, it took me about 3 months. All I did was track calories in a notebook, stayed under 1,300, and walked about an hour about 4 times a week. Then, I started dating this guy, and I stopped walking and stopped tracking my calories. I was eating junk almost everyday, because he had a sweet tooth and was always buying candy, ice cream, chips and munchies and sharing it with me. We'd go out for chinese, pizza, fast food. I was out of control and slowly my weight crept up and I gained all the weight back. By December 2012, I had gained 15 lbs back. I was so disappointed with myself, that after all my hard work, I let myself gain all that weight back. So, I joined MP and was doing good at first, but it was so hard to keep on track when this guy ALWAYS had garbage in my face and would litterally be shoving chocolate in my face and be like, "come on just eat it, I love you no matter what you look like. But then, he would constantly argue with me over stupid things and get really mean, verbally abusive, call me aweful names and make horrible comments about my weight. It was rediculous. It didn't help matters that my mom was in dying stages of cancer at the time. I was just so hard to focus on my weight and what I was eating with everything that was going on. By May, I had gained back the whole 25 lbs. Well, at that point, I broke up with that guy because it was a very toxic, verbally abusive, volitile relationship... he had serious issues. Then, a couple of weeks later, on May 12th, (Mothers' day), my mother passed away. At that point I, vowed to start taking care of my self and lose the weight for good. At the end of May, or beginning of June, I started using MFP again and I've already lost 15 lbs. not really doing all that much exercise, only about 20 or 30 min. a day. The point I'm trying to make (and I'm sorry I had to tell you my whole life story in order to get to my point, lol) is that, it took me 10 months of eating very badly EVERY day and being inactive, to put on the same amount of weight it only took me 3 months to take off by eating healthy and doing moderate exercise. Don't beat yourself up over a few seemingly bad food choices, because in the long run it won't matter. The more you deprive yourself, the more you're going to want whatever it is you're craving. So, just have it and move on. Each day is a new day. Good luck!