Weight Loss Difficulties

I'm finding it incredibly hard to lose weight. I eat much healthier than I was a year ago, yet I've gained about 10 lbs (partially due to having a less physically active job). I'm at my highest weight and I just found TWO stretch marks on the front of my tummy so basically I'm pretty upset.

I'm in need of support and guidance!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I also have stretch marks. I know all about that feeling . but don't worry they may become less noticeable in time.
    Have you gotten a food scale and begun to weigh all your foods ?,( you mentioned you where having a hard time losing )
  • c1ownfishie
    c1ownfishie Posts: 82 Member
    I have stretch marks as well but I've learned to embrace them. Feel free to add me! :smile: