Easy "SuperFood" Breakfast! It's delicious!!!!! VERY LOW CALORIES!

This is a recipe I just created because I don't really care for breakfast, however, I know it's the most important meal of the day. I wanted something very easy to make that was packed with nutrition, contained low calories, easy to make, lasted till lunch, and was still delicious! This recipe contains ONLY 139 calories and contains two of the best superfoods as its main ingredients, Kale and Egg Whites! Two foods that give you energy and helps your brain focus!

Now I know what you're thinking, yuck Kale and Egg whites. However don't be fooled by the ingredients because even though you may not normally like these ingredients. This meal is absolutely delicious!

"SuperFood" Breakfast
Yeilds: 1 serving
Calories: 139
Time: 5-10 minutes

1/2 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil (20 calories)
2 Cups Kale (16 Calories)
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Pepper
1/4 teasppon Garlic Powder
3/4 Cup Liquid Egg Whites or 4 Egg whites (100 Calories)
1/2 Teaspoon Siracha Hot Chili Sauce (2 Calories)

1. Heat up pan on medium heat
2. When the pan is hot add Extra Virgin Olive Oil and coat the bottom of the pan
3. Add the kale and seasonings and cook for aproximatley 3 minutes or until Kale starts to soften.
4. Stir in the egg whites and cooked until eggs are scrambled to desired constistency.
5. Add the Siracha Hot Chili Sauce and season to taste.
6. Serve and Enjoy!

You will notice this is very easy to prepare and takes virtually no time and there are very few dishes to clean afterwards! I really hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have!


  • shelleysykeskeene
    shelleysykeskeene Posts: 110 Member
    Sounds great - I have seen similar with 2 whole eggs - not as low in calories but keeps you full for ages
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I sometimes use kale in my vegetable omelet, also spinach, chard, and/or other greens. Not because of the superfood thing, which I reject as a way to look at food. Also, I use whole eggs.