how long for Lbs to start dropping?



  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm working on some summer weight creep and since Monday I've lost a pound. That's just eating at the correct calorie deficit, with 2 miles a day of walking as well (and I'm eating the extra exercise calories too). I haven't changed what I've eaten-just eating less of it and doing correct portion sizes (dusted off my food scale and am back to measuring most things, in grams, again).
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Also if you have been a "clean" eater for the most part and active, don't expect to drop a lot of weight, at this point BF should be the main focus VS just X number on the scale...Good luck :)
  • LynnBBQ72
    LynnBBQ72 Posts: 151 Member
    I started in late July with a short term goal of dropping 47 lbs. The first week I lost three pounds. Second week - NOTHING. Third week - NOTHING. I considered giving up but stuck it out. I've been losing one to two pounds per week since then but I started at 222 lbs. It seems like you are much closer to a normal weight that I was, so you will not see the 2 lbs per week drops like some people get.

    I just noticed this thread was from 2015.... oh well.... maybe the bump can help someone else out?
  • elias1609
    elias1609 Posts: 71 Member
    When I first started I didn't start losing until about 3 weeks into it, but when it starts to drop , it drops!