Goal setting

bisky Posts: 1,024 Member

I am 80 lbs overweight and am going to try to set some reasonable goals to lose weight within 16 months. Any advice on goal setting would be greatly appreciated. We are stationed in Italy for another 16 months and I hope to shed the weight, increase walking/hiking/snow shoeing to 3 - 5 miles a day and start swimming as soon as I can get over the embarrassment of putting on a swim suit. I am 57 y/o female. I love walking dogs, tennis (I quit that because of weight gain) Horseback riding (also quit due to weight gain) , skiing (ditto) and hiking - started back up but to slow for hiking group here in Aviano. I was invited to join a diet group: Trim Healthy Mama last week and returned to MFP to log food and exercise. Thank you in advance for any suggestions for realistic goal setting.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My suggestion is to not set an overall weight goal for losing X pounds in Y months. Rather, I would say "I want to lose X number of pounds, period." Then I would break it into mini goals. For me, 5 pound increments work best. When I was 200 pounds, my next goal was 195. Then 190, 185, etc. The reason I say not to plan on losing on a certain time frame is that, even when you count your calories perfectly and maintain a good caloric deficit, there are factors that affect your weight that can slow down weight loss, make it stop, and even make you gain a bit. Hormonal fluctuations, illness, family issues, etc. For many people, running up against a self-imposed (and normally arbitrary) timeline and realizing that you're not going to meet it is disheartening and frustrating.

    Outside of weight-centered goals, I suggest using your fitness goals (walking/hiking/snow-shoeing X miles a day, then a bit more, then a bit more.) Having these non-weight goals helps the time when you are losing weight to go more quickly (gives you something else to focus on.)
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    Google "SMART goals " and draw one up for yourself. Then think about your particular barriers and make a plan for how you will beat them eg I'm prone to unhealthy snacking in the afternoon so I now eat 4 small meals to try and ward off the 5pm cravings.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Initially 2 lbs/week will work....then change to 1 lb/week. Keep carbs below 100.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    My suggestion is to not set an overall weight goal for losing X pounds in Y months. Rather, I would say "I want to lose X number of pounds, period." Then I would break it into mini goals. For me, 5 pound increments work best. When I was 200 pounds, my next goal was 195. Then 190, 185, etc. The reason I say not to plan on losing on a certain time frame is that, even when you count your calories perfectly and maintain a good caloric deficit, there are factors that affect your weight that can slow down weight loss, make it stop, and even make you gain a bit. Hormonal fluctuations, illness, family issues, etc. For many people, running up against a self-imposed (and normally arbitrary) timeline and realizing that you're not going to meet it is disheartening and frustrating.

    Outside of weight-centered goals, I suggest using your fitness goals (walking/hiking/snow-shoeing X miles a day, then a bit more, then a bit more.) Having these non-weight goals helps the time when you are losing weight to go more quickly (gives you something else to focus on.)

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thank you all for the very helpful suggestions. Just the information I was looking for!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hiked up by Piancavallo, Italy (Dolomites, Northern Italy) today with friends, hubby and puppy (Cleo). 5.5 miles round trip. Out of breath going up but so worth it.je02mlns626o.jpg
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Lovely picture!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thank you, I just realized my post should have been in a section called goal setting! ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    bisky wrote: »
    Hiked up by Piancavallo, Italy (Dolomites, Northern Italy) today with friends, hubby and puppy (Cleo). 5.5 miles round trip. Out of breath going up but so worth it.je02mlns626o.jpg

    That's a fabulous picture.

    My suggestion would be baby steps. Don't try to do everything all at once. Set one small goal. Once you conquer that one, and it becomes second nature, then set another. You can do this!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Wow, that's awesome! Yes, as the others have said, start with small, attainable goals and build off of that. You'll gain more confidence in yourself each time you reach and conquer a goal.

    Also, take your measurements with a cloth tape measure. Relying on the scale only as your tracking tool can be discouraging at times. Good luck! Adorable puppy!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Yes. Baby steps is right.
    I understand goals, because they keep you moving forward, but like some above I kind of cringe at strict calendar deadlines....
    I started in August & this is what I did:
    I knew I had been inattentive to my weight in particular & my overall fitness in general for an entire 10 years. I knew I had at a minimum 50 lbs to lose to reach a healthy BMI. I knew I needed to relearn how to maintain any weight loss since I had fitfully lost and regained the same 15-20 lbs several times before.
    So I mentally blocked out 10 ten-week sessions that will gradually address ALL these issues. Short term solutions just won't fix what feels broke with me!
    One of my first goals was to lose 10% of my total weight, which happened midway through the second session. My new goal is to lose 10% again of my new weight. I don't have a strict calendar date for that goal either. After that I'll probably need just a 5-7% weight loss goal to hit a healthy BMI. At that point I'll probably practice maintenance in a ten week session. Then there's muscle building & recomposition to think about! See? I'm always busy working on these sorts of goals but I don't obsessively watch the calendar... My weight loss rate varies between .5-2 lbs a week. That seem to happen more with women in our age group. Margins are a little tighter.
    When I hit a small milestone along the way I earn a fitness related treat. I got an aria scale after one month. I bought waterproof hikers with the REI coupon. I got a cute new goretex coat for meeting my step goals. I try to use 'feel good' incentives rather than punitive deadlines.
    Quitting at this point would pretty much determine my next 30-40 years quality of life! I would rather go slower with a greater sense of playfulness & wonder than risk burning out...
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful advise. I decided that I do have an overall goal of losing weight but that I would focus on behavior changing goals. Getting in x amount of exercise daily so that I can build up to the bigger hikes and then maybe ski, ride horses, etc. Goal for January is to start taking weekly tennis lessons indoors and to start swimming with husband once a week. Biggest food goal is to decrease sugar in cookies, doughnuts, cakes, etc except very dark chocolate. Second biggest food goal is to decrease flour....which is not as easy living in Italy (Pasta & Pizza). I am involved with a small group (4 total) who weigh in once a week and discuss our weekly eating and exercising plan plus strategy for the following week. I love the idea of rewards for the future. Our group has a goal of going to Milan, Italy outlets for new clothes next summer! I need to come up with some rewards that similar to what Scolaris suggested.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Oh I would have NO PROBLEM buying myself rewards in Italy!!!!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Oh I would have NO PROBLEM buying myself rewards in Italy!!!!

    :) I know, right? I have to figure out some rewards for short term achievements (other than gelato or pasta).

    Really craving the carbonara at our neighborhood restaurant today!