First time mom needing motivation

Hi everyone,
Im just over 7 month post partum and im having a hard time finding the motivation to lose the baby weight. I had a great pregnancy although I did gain over 50lb. I currently have 25 left to go before im back to my pre pregnancy weight.
Im currently on mat leave without a car so im at home all day until my boyfriend gets home at 4pm with the car. I find myself so bored that I just eat out of bordom. I am also physically exhausted from being up with the baby through the night most nights. I just feel over all run down lately.
I was going to the gym and taking the baby to the day care but now im finding that impossible as hes teething and waking through the night. Also hes going to bed at 6 because of the time change so i cant take him anymore or hes really cranky and its not fair to him for me to keep him up. By the time i get him to bed i feel way too exhausted to make it to the gym.

Honestly just looking for motivation from other mamas. How did you do it? I have been so successful in the past I love working out and eating healthy but i find it hard with a baby. Im just SO tired. Anyone know any quick at home workout programs approx 30 min per day? How can I get my energy back. I find myself stressed some days which also affects my sleep and im constantly stressing over losing this weight. I just know how great i felt before and i want to get back there again.


  • nickfilary
    nickfilary Posts: 2 Member
    Well, this is from a dude's perspective, so sorry if I don't know what your going through. My advise, lose your scale, get healthy boredom snacks, and play exercise games with your self in the living room or yard when you can't leave ie how many jumping jacks can you do, how fast can you jump rope. Maybe you could get a treadmill, or a big wheel stroller to take you baby on a walk/run
  • 1fitmomma15
    1fitmomma15 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I'm 6w pp and I gained 60 lbs from my pregnancy. Luckily I lost 30+ now. But still want to lose more. Add me I'm also looking for motivation and friends!
  • vanessagarvin
    vanessagarvin Posts: 5 Member
    I'm eight weeks postpartum. I used to be super fit and active, new some extra support to get back on track! I'm finding it hard to go back to a clean diet when I'm juggling a baby. Add me, we can help each other :)
  • 1fitmomma15
    1fitmomma15 Posts: 10 Member
    Okay! I was the same way! But kinda got of track last yr. And just before I got pregnant I was trying to get myself back on track and bam! Hello pregnancy!