Hello, I'm escaping weight watchers!

Hi my name is Sarah and I have been going to weight watchers on and off for years. They have now changed their plan and even though I don't officially start it till tomorrow I don't like the look of it! So thought I would give it a go. I do like the odd treat of crisps and chocolate though so will have to look for low calorie ones. Any tips gratefully received.


  • Burtie_Burt
    Burtie_Burt Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Sarah. I'm an ex Weightwatcher too. Been here for just over a week and I am loving it so far. Good luck x
  • Lizzierose89
    Lizzierose89 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I have also moved from weight watchers. I was becoming very frustrated with the website and the new plan just doesn't seem right for me! Going to see how I get on here :-) x
  • JE9599
    JE9599 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for your replies, will be weird changing system and counting calories.
  • AmyAliEsq
    AmyAliEsq Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, Sarah et al! I'm an ex-WW, too, as so many here are, obv. My last few attempts at going were unsuccessful, as I just couldn't relate - I couldn't stand another meeting about how to replace junk food with more junk food. I *almost* went back for another try this week, just to have a support group, but the plan change is such a scam. How many ways can you repackage common sense to make a buck? MFP is such a great tool, no games, just health, accountability and inspiration. Add me if you need a team to keep you engaged! I know that I certainly do. :) Welcome to the club!! Woopwoop!
  • JE9599
    JE9599 Posts: 10 Member
    Ooh thanks but how do I "add you"??
  • Stephie1200
    Stephie1200 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, I quit WW yesterday, back to MFP now :) But I liked the support I found there, I'm hoping to find the same online here, feel free to add if you want !
  • I_Golf
    I_Golf Posts: 15 Member
    I just left WW also. I had been off the wagon for months and was ready to get started again, then I saw the mess that was happening on the WW website and the new program. I had used MFP some in the past and I will commit to using it exclusively now.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Welcome! If you have any questions, please let me know!

    I ditched Weight Watchers when the meeting leader belittled me in front of everyone else, to the point that I actually started crying. Yeah, not thanks!
  • PaulaSmerdon1
    PaulaSmerdon1 Posts: 1 Member
    I too ditched Weight Watchers for me it was not worth the money. My weight loss is too slow for that sort of plan, I also need portion control and I also take thyroxine all of which does not help!
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    I've never 'done' WW myself so I can't comment on it, although I have heard that a lot of the food is not very nutritious and so many people say 'I'm going to have to go back onto WW.' When asked why WW they say 'It worked last time'. If that is the case why do so many people put all of the weight back on? Unfortunately weight loss is a lifelong commitment. I have found that by using MFP I became accountable myself - for what I was eating, for how much I was moving etc. I couldn't blame anyone else, it was down to me. I had to find nutritious foods that I (and my family) enjoyed and figure out how it was going to fit into my life whilst still enjoying chocolate and wine (I refused to give them up :D !). It's not about 'good' and 'bad' foods, it's about moderation. It's also important to find exercise which you enjoy, try different things out....
    I have found so much support on MFP and I really hope that you do too. I've lost over two and a half stone and am still maintaining after 15 months, it's not always easy but on the flip side do not deny yourself.

    I hope that this did not come across as preachy, each to their own at the end of the day.

    Best of luck to you!
  • JE9599
    JE9599 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow not preachy at all very realistic and helpful. Thank you so much
  • elwing
    elwing Posts: 9 Member
    I've found that if I don't allow myself the little indulgences throughout the day (like a bottle of coca cola), I end up binge eating at night. The new plan made a 20oz bottle of coke go from 7points to 15, and I get a whole 30 points/day. WW has worked for me in the past, and the new plan is all about healthy and clean eating, but my mental state just isn't there for completely clean eating yet.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    elwing wrote: »
    I've found that if I don't allow myself the little indulgences throughout the day (like a bottle of coca cola), I end up binge eating at night. The new plan made a 20oz bottle of coke go from 7points to 15, and I get a whole 30 points/day. WW has worked for me in the past, and the new plan is all about healthy and clean eating, but my mental state just isn't there for completely clean eating yet.

    I agree. I see what they're doing with nudging people towards healthy choices....but I also believe that being over penalized for an indulgence leads to the "good food bad food" dichotomy which I definitely want to avoid.
  • cawthraven
    cawthraven Posts: 1 Member
    I'm another WW refugee--their new plan is based on fad science and completely demonizing sugar and saturated fat (they've moved away from their "oh you can eat anything in moderation!" stance) and the way they handled the website transition has me livid. They're too big a company and charge too much for those kinds of shenanigans and the customer service has been abysmal. WW was working for me but my yogurt doubled in points overnight? I don't think so.

    I'm really going to miss the meetings but not enough to deal with the rest of the stuff.
  • HipHipAway
    HipHipAway Posts: 2 Member
    I have also escaped and canceled my monthly meeting pass subscription last night.
    I started WW in April this year and lost 60 lbs so far, but just couldn't see paying any longer for something that essentially quit working about three weeks ago when they started rolling out changes for their new plan. Sadly, the new plan is also much more like a diet than a lifestyle change. The 'punishment' inflated points to near double for some common treats (which I didn't eat very many of to begin with) feel like while this may be steering a total newbie to healthy eating in the right direction and better choices, just won't fit my life now. I essentially switched over to here about two weeks ago and am finding this so much easier, because I can glance at a nutrition label for any packaged food and decide quickly if the food fits for me, or if I put it back on the shelf. Avoiding processed foods as much as possible is still something I am working on, gradually, knowing that more natural is better. On the other hand, not finding foods in the 'extensive' Weight Watcher database and having to key in 7 (!) different values from a nutrition label now, while in the grocery aisle, rather than the previous four, which was already somewhat cumbersome, just to arrive at a points value that is supposed to tell me if it is a good or bad choice (the lower, the better), just won't work for me any longer either.
    Exercise has also started to take a larger role and I am creating too much of a deficit now that they don't encourage you to eat back at least some of the calories you burn. I have seen posts on the WW community boards where people are realizing they are eating only between 800 and 1000 calories BEFORE taking into consideration that they also worked out. Nope, just cannot do that any longer - compounded by the enormous technical kerfuffle, I think I'll be fine and happy here, and will continue to take the last 28 pounds off continuing to do what I have been doing and improving further along the way. :smile: Here we go!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I used to do Points+ but came here a while ago. I just looked at the new changes... oh look, it's still low fat. So I'd still be starving, sad, and hormonally imbalanced. They say they're using the most up to date research? Well maybe they should start realizing that some fat is good for us - it is essential.
  • ivetastic
    ivetastic Posts: 255 Member
    JE9599 wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies, will be weird changing system and counting calories.

    You'll get the hang of it. I feel that counting calories is so much better because 3500 calories equals one pound so if you burn 3500 calories in one week that equals 1 pound a week that you can be losing. So if you consume 500 calories less every day you'll lose 1 pound a week and if you burn 500 in addition to that you'll lose 2 pounds every week. This works for me.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You have to do what works for you.
  • becgraceevemaggie
    becgraceevemaggie Posts: 26 Member
    I fell out of love with ww way back as they changed the plan and, for me, seemed to promote their junk food over other junk food. Now when I first joined ww I thought that was brilliant. Rubbish food which I liked at the time could be replaced by ww rubbish food but with lower calories and added artificial sweeteners. I did lose weight but was constantly hungry. I felt the leader had little knowledge about good foods. Anyway the community is great on mfp and has a much larger data base of foods than ww.
    Hope you have lots of success with mfp Sarah!
  • ckneph
    ckneph Posts: 4 Member
    Another WW refugee here. The point hikes were part of it, but the website debacle was the thing that pushed me to try something else.
    I was really happy to see the community boards here. Hoping to get some prodding and good advice along the way.