Can Someone Help Me.



  • Michellekutz1
    From personal experience I am guessing you didn't gain those 50 lbs in 5 weeks, you have to be realistic in taking it off. I agree set smaller goals and your more likely to stick to it and be 120lbs for next August. I know how you feel, but if you go on a crazy crash diet you are going to crash, and end up more depressed and unhappy with yourself then when you started, best of luck and add me as a friend if you would like.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Good luck with your goals. Be careful it's not a breezy day on the beach when you get there.

  • michellechawner
    Change your goals to August of 2014 and I'm happy to help any way I can.

    This - sorry, you are young... but being young won't make you work harder to lose 50 pounds. I've lost 12 in 3 months... granted I didn't have much more than 20 to lose. Prep for next summer. Also, where I live, people where shorts year round... not just for summer. Make this a LIFETIME goal, not a "just for summer goal".

    You may lose 5 pounds your first 2 weeks, but that's about it. Unless you weigh well over 300 or 400 pounds, 5 pounds a week is NOT ATTAINABLE.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Your goal is unrealistic and unless you are planning on liposuction - it's not going to happen. Commit to a .5-1.5lb a week loss, focus on a body fat % goal instead of a scale #, and also work towards other goals.

    Maybe fitness goals like weight lifted, distance ran, days worked out, etc.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No matter what, start now. Progress is progress, and you can make some awesome progress by August and well beyond! Don't put an expiration date on it - make it for life!

    Start by entering your info here at MFP with realistic, attainable goals. With 50lbs to lose, don't set your goal at MFP's maximum of 2lbs a week - that will set your daily calorie intake way too low. Too low = frustration and burn out because it's hard to stick to, and likely isn't enough fuel for you anyway. So go for 1/2 to 1 lb loss per week.

    Remember that goal means GOAL! Don't under eat. The daily calories that MFP gives you already has a deficit built in - meaning eat to goal every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. If you exercise (highly recommend some form of resistance training - weights, body weight exercises, etc - heavy weights if you have access to them!), log it and eat those calories back. Net cals should be at or close to goal each day. Food is fuel - gotta fuel that furnace if you want it to burn!

    Drink plenty of water and get good rest, both sleep and be sure to take at least one rest day from exercise per week. Be patient and recognize that these are changes you can make for life - temporary changes give you temporary results.

    Log all your food, even if you have a day where you're way over. Look over your diary and see where you can make changes, where you can get more protein, what foods put you over calories for the day and was it worth it? Or if you have a lot of cals left over, find ways to get closer to goal with good foods that pack healthy cals in small portions - nuts, peanut butter, avocados, etc. Logging ALL my food has been a huge benefit for me, and helped me make changes that have helped me drop the fat and still enjoy life and foods I love. It's been a learning process for sure! But totally worth it.

    Remind yourself how you feel now - wanting the quick changes and wishing you had started sooner. Don't let that happen again, start now and stick with it, and you won't have to be in this situation again. :bigsmile:
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I'm sorry, kiddo. I can feel your frustration in your post. I really wish it worked that way, but like everyone else said, it's going to take time. It's a lesson you'll learn over and over again in life - great things rarely come quickly or easily.

    Just remember - if you get frustrated and do nothing because it'll take too long, August 2014 will be here and you'll have missed a whole year of making progress and you still won't be wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    It's all been said. Sorry.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Stop thinking about having this "done" by this August. Instead, think of having this "done" for the rest of your life even if it takes until *next* August.

    Unless you have a photo shoot for which you're under contract or a wedding or some other rock solid obligation, there is no good purpose in imposing an arbitrary and harsh deadline. Start doing what needs to be done now to reach your goal reasonably, reach your goal when you reach it, and enjoy the long-term results of your efforts.

    You *can* do this...but you *can't* (through sheer will and commitment) rush it. Best of luck.

  • TNBones
    TNBones Posts: 1
    It is admirable that you want to lose 50 lbs, but it is a little unrealistic for such a short time. Losing weight takes 1) self-discipline, that is, sticking with the plan when the going gets tough, 2) a good nutritional diet, 3) exercise, nothing beats burning those calories and 4) drinking plenty of water. Weight loss should not exceed much more than 2 lbs/wk. Anything else needs to be under a doctor's supervision.
    Don't give up; just give yourself a little more time and see a nutritional doctor, one who specializes in weight-loss sensibly. There is no magic bullet, no magic pill to get the weight off. It is nothing but hard, hard, dedicated work.
    Good luck.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    take your time.
    focus on healthy weight loss.
    make changes that you can sustain over the long-term, and you will have success.

    if you push too hard now and lose it in an unhealthy way, you'll be posting threads wondering why you gained it all back.

    slow and steady FTW!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I started at 226 on January 1. I'm at 193 now. I'm totally planning to *rock* my clothes next summer. Just start today, be reasonable about it -- you've gotten lots of suggestions -- and next May you will be so glad that you did.
    Change your goals to August of 2014 and I'm happy to help any way I can.

    This is one of the people that I listen to. What I'm doing -- because he, along with other successful people here suggested it to me -- is eating at a reasonable deficit, lifting weights, and doing some cardio/extra moving when I can. I *love* lifting weights. I'm not killing myself with hours and hours of cardio. My muscles are starting to show! AND I can eat and exercise like this for the rest of my life, I don't have to crash diet and yo-yo back and forth.

    We can do this together -- add me as a friend if you like!
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    This goal is very unrealistic and almost impossible to achieve without starving yourself lol >.< Try aiming for a 15 pound loss by August maybe. ^^ Pushing it might be an understatement. xD
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Change your goals to August of 2014 and I'm happy to help any way I can.


    It's taken me a year to lose just over 40 pounds.

    A couple things I've noticed

    1. That year was over in the blink of an eye.

    2. I was never miserable because of hunger.

    3. I've formed habits. Even when I'm insanely busy, I exercise, watch my macros, pack a lunch, etc. It's all second nature now.

    4. I haven't given up, and I think I can do what I'm doing now, for the rest of my life.

    Do you want to bust your *kitten* to only get frustrated and quit, or take and keep the weight off forever?
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    THIS is the problem with the shows on TV, like "Biggest Loser" - - if the people on TV can do it, why can't IIIIIIII?!

    Well, because you probably have an actual JOB you have to go to every day, you have bills to pay, you do not have money to hire someone (or more than one person) to follow you around making SURE you don't slack, you don't have the pressure of potentially millions of people seeing you fail on TV, you don't have a personal chef......blah blah blah

    so - NO - you are not going to lose 50 lbs that quickly - - in the real world.