Building Strength From Nothing?



  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    Another suggestion if you have a couple of dollars is the app you are your own gym, there's a book too and I bought both, but I found I only really use the app. It has great progressions that I had never even thought of before, and a nice progressive program in order to increase your strength! I'm a big fan.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    kae612 wrote: »
    Hey, after looking through the suggestions here, I'm wondering if dumbbells are essential/important? I don't have any, so I'd need to look into getting some. But if they're important, they're something I have room for.

    If you need light ones at first, don't waste money on them. Use easy-to-hold bottles filled with water. OJ bottles work nicely, or quarts of milk, eventually gallons, etc. Fill with water until they feel hard enough, and then weigh yourself with them on the scale. Step off the scale, weigh yourself without them, and subtract to get their weight (so you can progress the weight as you go).

    Just make sure you can hold them comfortably. The shape kinda matters, so try different kinds.


    I tried the Nerdfitness circuit today that got suggested above, so I used an old textbook that says the shipping weight is 4.5lbs. It's lighter than I would use, I would like to have something closer to 7lbs or maybe 10.

    I live in Canada, so milk comes in bags here. And I've only seen OJ in cartons....and I don't have a scale. I guess I'll get a 1L water bottle, that might work ok?

    1L only weighs 1kg, so it'll be too small, sounds like. Do y'all have those really big bottles of water, maybe? Those are usually around a gallon here and more like 8lbs.

    But some people fill bottles with sand from the landscaping type big box stores. That might be an option for you, too if one's handy :)