Why Can You Eat Fattening Food? What's Your Secret



  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    What works for me is that I set my goal toward the high end....I didn't try to be so aggressive as to want to lose two pounds a week....so aiming for a slower weight loss put me at a calorie amount that I can fit a few slices of pizza, donut, chicken wings, etc. Not everyday, but I try not to deprive myself. if I really want something, I work it into my calorie goal. If I eat all my fruits, veggies, and protein etc., for a day, if I feel like it I will incorporate a treat. Like today. My son wanted ice cream so we went to Dairy Queen. instead of getting the Peanut Buster Parfait or Banana Split like I would in the past, I got a kiddie cone. If I really can't pass up fast food, instead of getting a value meal, get a happy meal instead. most of those kids meals come with fruit nowadays anyway!!!! Also, don't keep snacks in your house. if you want a donut, or any kind of snacks, and may have to take a drive to get it...it may deter you from getting in your car/walking to get it. You might not think it's worth the trouble. Or, try to get the mini size of a candy bar...or just buying the amount you want to eat (one donut instead of a dozen), eat that amount, and call it a day, if you binge, dust yourself off andd get back up. Tomorrow is a new day!!!! :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member

    I think we all have unique bodies and minds... and we all have different biochemical responses to different foods. I think for some people, food lights up their reward centers in their brain JUST a bit more than others (for example: "food orgasm").... while others are not as affected.

    The above explains it.
    Food doesn't over excite me. It is yummy, I eat my piece, and am done.

    So if I want a doughnut and can fit it into my nutrient goals, I buy half a dozen, I eat my one doughnut, and the other 5 I bought for my kids don't call to me.

    Some things I find harder to resist, like honey-sesame almonds. I weigh out my serving and firmly seal and contain the bag to make it hard to get back into. Thankfully, my laziness beats my taste bud's desire most days.

    This is me. I keep my chocolate bars in the freezer, because I hate cold chocolate. When I want some, I break a serving off, let it sit to room temp, then eat it. If I'm tempted to have more, I have to get more out and let it thaw first. I usually too lazy to do that, and the thought of putting a cold, crunchy, wax-like piece of frozen chocolate gravel in my mouth turns me off to the idea completely. :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    An acquaintance of mine and i talked about exactly that topic last weekend. She said that she can not eat any sweet food or snack food, because if she has a bit she will have it all, but when she does not buy it she does not even really miss it.

    For me it is the other way around. i need a bit of chocolate or some fries or such nearly every day, but I have no problem to stop eating after a bit.

    So, I fear that is what I comes down to. I do not react the same to food as you do. I like food and I have eaten far to much in the past, but it does not trigger me. I don't think this means that I have better self control than you, though. How do you react when somebody says:"oh come on, let's go out and eat?" or "do you want the last of my chips or I have to throw them away?" things like those, social situations are MY trigger. I have serious problems saying "no" to other people in those situations. And problems with not finishing my plate at a restaurant, too. Feels like such a waste of good food, so I continue eating even if at home I would stop by that point...

    yep i have a small problem with friends asking me to go out with them, i have to say no, but i feel like im always sounding like a party pooper. Thats when I went to Jersey Mikes, thinking i could get something.. when i got home, yay it is listed on MFP and i was shocked at the sodium in it, which holds onto water weight and causes me a weight gain. i then thought wow, i put my friend's needs first before mine and i shouldn't do that.

    also i was just reading all your answers wow thank you! so you dont have a "secret" you just know how to handle food. I wish i were like the guy above who said food is just food - he eats it and thats it. food doesn't seem to be like crack to a crack addict ,,,, but im pretty much trying to choose healthy food, and not making it like a deprivation diet, and the suggestion about going slower and not being so strict can make it last longer, because it has to work for each one of us. I would not follow some diets that are perfectly fine for you because i couldn't deal with it, like the "cabbage soup diet" lol.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Some of us who seem to be able to eat just about "anything" also have our trigger foods, and while I don't deprive myself of most of the things I love, there are a few things that I know I can't be trusted with. For me, it's salty/crunchy snacks -- get an open bag of Doritos or crunchy Cheetos in front of me, and I'll practically inhale it. If I get an overwhelming craving for a treat like that, then I'll get a single-serving bag and be done with it... the "family size" bags aren't allowed in the house. Smaller portion sizes were (and still are) the key to me losing and then successfully maintaining my weight.

    I used to be the same way with pizza, but since I instituted my "Ten Minute Rule" I've been OK -- I have my two slices, then if I think I'm still hungry (notice "think") I'll wait ten minutes. If I am *truly* hungry after waiting then I'll grab another slice, but by that time I'm usually fine. Have you tried anything like that? It might help...
  • LuseLeaf
    LuseLeaf Posts: 3 Member
    I think it has to do with age and metabolism. I could eat that way at 20 and lose weight, but at 54 I'd gain weight with one bite. Since I know there could be a problem with overdoing sweets and other temptations I plan them into my week. For instance my DH and I plan to get one really GOOD doughnut each on Sunday mornings. It helps.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I just ate 4 cups of icecream. I count my macros.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Some of us who seem to be able to eat just about "anything" also have our trigger foods, and while I don't deprive myself of most of the things I love, there are a few things that I know I can't be trusted with. For me, it's salty/crunchy snacks -- get an open bag of Doritos or crunchy Cheetos in front of me, and I'll practically inhale it. If I get an overwhelming craving for a treat like that, then I'll get a single-serving bag and be done with it... the "family size" bags aren't allowed in the house. Smaller portion sizes were (and still are) the key to me losing and then successfully maintaining my weight.

    I used to be the same way with pizza, but since I instituted my "Ten Minute Rule" I've been OK -- I have my two slices, then if I think I'm still hungry (notice "think") I'll wait ten minutes. If I am *truly* hungry after waiting then I'll grab another slice, but by that time I'm usually fine. Have you tried anything like that? It might help...

    Yeah i cant be trusted around certain food too, for now, but soon it shall pass as my tastes change. I do try to not answer that hungry feeling in my stomach, like i used to, i think that may be my body digesting food and making me think im hungry. Pizza is still crack to me so i choose to leave it off, but i might make some homemade pizza ,, that ought to work.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Portion control and exercise...I exercise so I can drink more...to each their own!!!

    This. While for me sometimes it's harder to stop, I also stop eating when I'm full regardless of my overall calorie deficit for the day. I run and most of my runner friend's philosophy is "I run so I can eat (or drink)".
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    For me it was about being too restrictive. If I were to try and set up a 1000 calorie daily deficit I'd feel so restricted I'd just binge on whatever. Once I set up a more realistic deficit for me - about 300 calories daily - I was able to eat everything in moderation. I have lost all my weight eating roughly 2100 calories daily. I am very active, but that's still a lot of food and I didn't feel deprived. My weight loss may have been slower, but I've been successful.

    Now, at maintenance, I can eat as much as 2800 calories daily and I'll maintain my weight. So if I want a doughnut I can certainly fit one in and since I'm eating so much food I don't feel deprived enough to want more than one.

    Go for the smaller deficit. For real. For long-term success.

    Wise words. Couldn't have said it better.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    work out for hours every day.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Staying within calorie allotment and portion control. Trust me, it works. Lost 27 lbs since January.

    Oh yeah, in order to have more calories I do both cardio and strength training.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Eating what I like is the only reason I have been successful with maintaining my weight loss this time. I lost 65 pounds and have kept it off for almost a year and a half now. Past efforts to keep weight off have always failed because I labeled foods as good and bad. Eating something bad would send me into a tailspin, and I'd always regain.

    I freely admit that I eat 'junk'. This week, I've had ice cream, pizza, beer and donuts. I rarely eat 'diet foods' at all - no Lean Cuisines, light yogurts, reduced fat cheese, Snackwells or Special K snacks. To be fair, I also eat mostly healthy foods. My diary is full of fruit, lean meat, veggies, yogurt, etc. I've become good at controlling portions, eating in moderation, and keeping my calories/macros in check regardless of the type of food I choose to eat.

    I'm also very active. I walk everywhere. I stay busy around the house. I workout 3-4 times a week. That allows me to maintain a weight of around 135 lbs - eating 2300-2500 most days. I'm 5'9" and 41 years old.
  • Hotdawgnothotdog
    Hotdawgnothotdog Posts: 179 Member
    I gotta admit I binge pretty often, I think the key to binging ((?)) is to do it at the beginning of the day, and from there you just float around your day without going over your calories best you can. That's why midnight is a very dangerous time (for me.)

    I eat what I want I just proportionate it. I do at least 30 minutes of running a day (sometimes more, as I I'm trying to add endurance) and 30 minutes on the stationary bike, as well as about 30 minutes on the trampoline (take a couple weights out start jumping and it can be an intense workout.) I also only drink water so I don't have to worry about calories adding up from sodas, or even milk. Though I hear as you get closer to your ideal weight the harder it is to lose and your metabolism slows, I've been thinking about maybe starting to eat healthier soon.
  • ourlilzoo
    ourlilzoo Posts: 3 Member
    Hey nonnymousse1 -

    Believe it or not, you are not that different from everyone else. Food has always been my downfall; I can workout, no problem. But I love to cook and eat really good food. I can make organic, raw, clean food into a calorie-packed meal that can ruin my week.

    I think the difference between "us" and "them" is dedication and willpower. It's not that we lack the education to know what's good for you and what's not. I think it's the lack of power. Food is our addiction right now; but it's because we have let it control our lives for such a long time. It's like a bad habit... and it takes time to break it. Everyone deals with food differently; many stay away all together; for me, however, this causes me to binge. If I am truly craving something, lets say, chocolate... I will have maybe a square of Godiva or a Hershey kiss - then I'll tell myself that I will not have more because it's just a craving and my body doesn't actually need that chocolate to operate. It's purely for my mind, not body. Or, I substitute: I buy the coco almonds and organic granola with chocolate and it suffices my cravings very well. At one point in time I feel like I was more like you; right now I'm in transition of being like you (or the old me) and being like "them". I agree with the other comment about "portion control and shrugging my shoulders". Using baggies, as the other person suggested, is a great idea - I work for home health and at a hospital and if I don't pack my lunch and snacks prior, I will eat whatever my mind is craving rather than giving my body what it's needing. So, I portion out almonds or other nuts/seeds, carrots, apples, etc that will allow me not to binge on something I know I'll regret. Shrugging your shoulders is a great tactic... and I'll follow that up with a cliche comment: one day of eating poorly will not make you fat just like one day of eating right will not make you skinny. I think the best thing you can do if you binge or "accidentally" eat 5 donuts (because I know the feeling... you say "just one" and before you know it you have eaten 4 more and it's not until AFTER you ate them that your mind processes the fact that you told yourself JUST THAT MORNING that you were going to be GOOD today) is to not let yourself done even more and continue to eat bad and justify it by saying, "I've ruined my day now, guess I should just eat whatever for the rest of the day and start again tomorrow." That's not good. The key is consistency. If you tell yourself, "I was bad, but it's OK... next time I will do better" then you are accepting your fault but not giving up. Eventually, it will get easier and your will power to keep eating right and keep putting down the donuts (or whatever) will get easier as well. It's not going to happen overnight! It's literally taken me 10 years to get to this point... and I'm the best shape I've been in 10 years. Another cliche statement: people don't realize that even slow progress... is progress! The people who have been successful are not successful because they haven't fought for what they wanted like you or me... they succeeded because they finally figured out what works for them and stuck with it. Eventually, those new lifestyle changes become habits... good ones.

    This was longer than I thought it be. Hope it helps.

    I need to print this out & keep it on my fridge.

    Everyone here has shared fantastic, wise advice. Coming to MFP has been the best thing I've done for myself. I have to admit, when my calorie goal was calculated at 1200 a day, I laughed sarcastically. But my 15th anniversary is coming up, and I really wanted to make a difference in my life (real progress) before that date. So I have really given this a chance, although it's only been less than a week. I'm surprised by how much food I can cram into a 1200 calorie restriction! So far, so good. I feel wonderful, and I don't want this feeling to go away. I refuse, however, to be miserable & bitter by grieving the food. So when I want a treat, I will allot for it. :)
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I think it has to do with age and metabolism. I could eat that way at 20 and lose weight, but at 54 I'd gain weight with one bite. Since I know there could be a problem with overdoing sweets and other temptations I plan them into my week. For instance my DH and I plan to get one really GOOD doughnut each on Sunday mornings. It helps.

    Good point!!! So just eat healthy and don't worry about what the next person is doing!!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    My husband and I lose weight very differently. I am able to do moderation- a couple chips, one cookie, buy a box of ice cream treats but only eat one a week. A program or philosophy like the one Weight Watchers is built on works well for me. He needs something more like South Beach- a very specific list of things he can and cannot eat with very little wiggle room. If he has a couple chips, it turns into half the bag. A cookie is four. We're just wired to approach things differently, our willpowers are different and our tolerance for things are different.

    There's no one right answer for everybody. There's no failure if one way doesn't work and you try another way as long as you still try. We're all here to change our minds, our bodies and how we relate to food. If it's moderation, great. If it's a list of dos and don'ts, great. Just find what works for you and try to let go on comparing it to others. Your success and wellness is far more important than what's in your food log.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Hi - this is my question based on another topic here. How come YOU can eat pizza, donuts, fried chicken, a big candy bar, a big pie, etc.. etc. and I need to NOT eat that? I mean this is for the people that admit they eat this but yet in the big picture, it doesn't seem to hurt their weight loss. So what is it that you have that I dont?

    for me to eat healthy, I fit it into the MFP guidelines, and yes I could "cheat" and eat something like a piece of pie, and still be within my nutition info. However, when I choose to eat that stuff, i cannot stop at a taste, i feel like it is just teasing me, the one time I did put in a bite of some tasty fattening food, I had to stop myself from have a food orgasm about it. I mean really, food can do that to a person sometimes.

    I would say this is WHY you can't and some of us CAN. First month of dieting, I lost 5lbs. It's not much... BUT in 30 days, I probably ate a week's dinner/snacks worth of junk food, and I only exercised for 4 days that month. I think perhaps the only way that it's possible is not going overboard. One day, I had 2 servings of Reese's PB Cups, and the next day after that, I had 1 serving. The rest of the bag sits in my freezer untouched. That was around the 3rd of June when I bought them.

    For example, when I want to eat DQ, I got either a blizzard or a shake and an order of fries. That's around 700-800 calories. When I got home, I probably wouldn't eat much, some fruit, a salad, etc.

    Opt for WRAPS, not anything with a bun. A SMALL fry/shake, not a large or medium (which I ended up with sometimes... because someone on that end g00fed).

    Smoothies instead of Shakes if possible.

    In reality, you must train yourself for a reasonable proportion. Something many Americans lack.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    However, when I choose to eat that stuff, i cannot stop at a taste, i feel like it is just teasing me,

    You answered yourself.

    Do I want more than a cupcake or taco or cheeseburger? Hells yeah. How do I stop at just one? I can't say other than I just do; possibly because it's a habit to not see red numbers in my food diary and possibly because when I get skinny enough, doctors might take my health problems seriously instead of constantly brushing me off. I eat what I want, but I don't eat as much as I want anymore.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I don't eat Pizza much, but I do eat it. Same with other not so good foods. In fact, I'm going to sit down to a nice dinner of a processed chicken patty on a bun with a salad in a few minutes. :)

    I don't know what your relationship or history with food is. I can tell you that I don't have a problem with binges or things of that nature, so I don't have any "trigger foods" that give me the overwhelming urge to eat every last bite. Some people do. If you can't have a slice of pizza without it domino effecting into something destructive to you, then that's fine. You know this.

    If you can have some Pizza but just feel bad about it after, you need to find out why this makes you feel bad. You can start by developing the skills to deal with the random pizza slices; eating a smaller meal later, eating a smaller portion of Pizza and adding in some veggies to balance things out, etc.

    Basically, Pizza happens. And that's fine. Great if it involves garlic butter (yum). It happens to all of us! We all eat the not good food along side the good stuff. :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    At 560 lbs. and trapped in my own home and finally having that get busy living or get busy dying moment, I knew even then nothing would ever change if I didn't figure out how to change my relationship with food.. It was my addition and no matter what I did if I could not get a handle on it I would continue down the road I was already on.. So I needed someone to help me change my mindset so for me it was therapy...and slowly I learned to accept food for what it is (a means to life) food would eventual not control me and that I would control it... It took alot of hard work and I am still going to therapy once a month but I can say there is no going back now... I have a firm grip on things now but I still am ever diligent to know where I came from and to work everyday to appreciate what I have been able to do... So from my perspective that is where I would start..... Best of Luck