Weight lost Problem

Why is it so easy for us to eat and Gain so much weigh and when we decide to go on the healthy path is so hard to lose the weight. No matter what we do the weight is just staring us in the eyes and smiling. Sometimes we get so frustrated by the fact that we stop eating all the crap yet we still aren't losing the weight. A friend of Mine told me once that when we are out drinking and having fun someone is at the gym working twice as hard to look better than us. Remember my friends never give up even when it seems nothing is happening press on and be optimistic.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Why is it so easy for us to eat and Gain so much weigh and when we decide to go on the healthy path is so hard to lose the weight. No matter what we do the weight is just staring us in the eyes and smiling. Sometimes we get so frustrated by the fact that we stop eating all the crap yet we still aren't losing the weight. A friend of Mine told me once that when we are out drinking and having fun someone is at the gym working twice as hard to look better than us. Remember my friends never give up even when it seems nothing is happening press on and be optimistic.

    There is lots of reason and a few of the major ones are 1. we try to do too much at once, 2. we are too aggressive with our weight loss, drastically cutting calories and making it hard to sustain, 3. and we expect immediate results.
  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    . Sometimes we get so frustrated by the fact that we stop eating all the crap yet we still aren't losing the weight.

    The people here on this site will give you ideas and support on your weight loss journey. While you might have given up eating certain foods, you will lose if you learn how to plan to eat at a deficit, even foods you see as healthy will not allow you to lose if you eat too much of them.

  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    Why is it so easy for us to eat and Gain so much weigh and when we decide to go on the healthy path is so hard to lose the weight. No matter what we do the weight is just staring us in the eyes and smiling. Sometimes we get so frustrated by the fact that we stop eating all the crap yet we still aren't losing the weight. A friend of Mine told me once that when we are out drinking and having fun someone is at the gym working twice as hard to look better than us. Remember my friends never give up even when it seems nothing is happening press on and be optimistic.

    There is lots of reason and a few of the major ones are 1. we try to do too much at once, 2. we are too aggressive with our weight loss, drastically cutting calories and making it hard to sustain, 3. and we expect immediate results.
    Which is to say, it really isn't that hard. I'm down 40lb in 6 months, and it took me 4 years or so to put on those 40lb (granted, it was in spurts, as in I gained my last 10lb over 3 months or so of eating like a pig). If I gave myself 4 years to lose 40lb, it would be super easy compared to 40lb in 6 months.

    And no, you don't have to spend hours at the gym to look good. Eat at a deficit until you hit goal weight and do a simple 15 minute exercise routine and you'll be plenty healthy. You may not be able to deadlift +300lb or run a marathon, but you'll be healthy and fit.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    When we're not paying attention, time just goes by and it seems like we gain fast. But if you were actively trying to lose weight in that same amount of time, the weight would have come off, probably faster than it went on. It took me about 10 years to gain 50 pounds and only 11 months to take it off. Even though it felt like it took forever, it was really pretty fast.

    Time goes by really, really slow when we're waiting for something and we're impatient.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    It might be better when people first join MFP that they spend the first month logging their usual food intake without any changes to help gain some perspective for when they start to eat at a deficit, perhaps.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    Why is that surprising? It takes no effort to eat more than your body needs and even less effort to sit on the couch and avoid burning calories. Compared to the discipline of counting and the effort of working out, of course it's easier to gain than lose. It's just that we are motivated enough to consider the effort worth it.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's not very hard to lose weight and eat healthy. You can to some extent control how hard it has to be. It's no surprise that eating junk in large amounts and relaxing can feel more pleasant than working out and portion control, but then you have to decide what you want most. Not overdoing anything is a great place to start and makes it easier to keep up..