Aussie Winemaker Fat-Loss Plan!

marcellusf Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey folks.

I turned 40 this past September and became a dad for the first time in October, so there's probably nothing original about a guy suddenly wanting to start taking care of himself now that he has a defenceless baby girl relying on him to come home from work everyday.

Still, it's not the only reason why I want to change my body composition. The knees and hips are starting to ache every now and then, and I'm pretty sure breaking through the 100kg mark last week has something to do with it. Currently I weigh 100.2kgs (that's 220.9 pounds for the Americans).

To put that number into context, I'm 183cm tall (6'), I weighed 76kgs when I was 16, and weighed 82 during my first year of university. I have an average build and am hoping to weigh 84kgs (185.2 pounds) at the end of all this.

Not that BMI is the be-all-and-end-all or anything, but I'm currently pushing 30... Which isn't cool. I'd like to have a body fat percentage around 14% again, which is pretty much where I was 20 years ago. I know that ain't easy, and I know I'll have be very attentive to my diet plan, as well has smash some weights and do some cardio.

It's scary how much work I have ahead of me. I'm hoping to lose a kilo a week, but if I lose a little less, that's cool. So long as starvation mode doesn't come to the party too.

I'm currently living in Italy with my brand new family, which makes the diet part pretty hard - man they eat well here! But that said, there's loads of fresh produce and it's easy to eat seasonal here.

Anyhoo, that's me. Hope you're all killing it.


  • shivi484
    shivi484 Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations on becoming a daddy! Best feeling in the world becoming a parent!