Stopped exercising. Worried I wont lose.

Hi everyone. My names Kristin. I am 24 years old. 160lbs and im 4'11. I am a stay at home Mom. I started my weight loss journey 5 months ago and have lost 30lbs. I was eating a 1200 calorie diet and was working out 5 times a week 30 mins a day. I have a 2 year old Son who is very in the terrible twos. This week I stopped my exercise routine due to being way to stressed out. Being a Mom, fiancee, and trying to lose weight. I had too much on my plate. I have 40 more pounds to lose. My question is can I do it with just eating 1200 calories and doing my light house work everyday? I Have alot of fat around my tummy legs and my face.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes, 1200 is still probably a pretty good deficit for you.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    Yes you can lose weight just watching your calorie intake. My husband went away for work for 2 weeks and I was left working full time plus a volunteer role and caring for our 3 kids mostly on my own. I had been losing 1kg per week on a food and exercise program i was doing but it was too much for me with him away. He's been back for about 1.5 weeks and I still havent gotten back to teh exercise part. My weight lose has slowed but is still going. Sometimes we just cant do it all.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    It's possible with a deficit.
    But just something to consider-exercise can be a great way to deal with all the stress you just mentioned. It's not just about weight loss, its about being healthy enough to run after that little one of yours, boosting your immune system, sleeping better, improved mental health...I could go on. If you can find a way to get your half hour in, why not take it? Moms deserve "me time"!
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I thought that too @htimpaired but with everything going on it seemed like too much. I get about 2 hours to myself a day and thats if he naps and my house goes crazy if i take one day off housework. All I do is clean, cook and yell it seems like. Im so overwhelmed.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am much in a similar situation (even have the same name lol) but my son has moved from terrible twos to terrifying threes! I am so stressed by the end of the day I am 5'1 and basically set at 1200. I find it so hard to stick to 1200 though. I eat my exercise calories back and it would be tough not having them. I feel more stressed when I do not work out as well. I sometimes try to get up before the kids but that often causes him to wake up earlier then he would which obviously does not help the attitude throughout the day. So I often work out with him. I have been doing Body Revolution and he does a lot of it with me and will just play with some nearby toys when he loses interest. He joins back in when something looks fun to him. Or maybe invest in a jogger stroller and run with him if the weather is not too bad. My son loves runs in the stroller. My kids (I have a five year old as well) do not nap anymore so my only me time is after bedtime. It is hard but you will feel better if you make some time for yourself in there.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    Hang in there. Our stats are about the same and my little one just graduated from the terrible twos. It was REALLY hard!! I felt the same as you. For now, do what works best and if that's focusing on the diet only for now, make it work! Good luck and it does get better. I'm sure you're a great mom.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks hun. I didnt want to diet and not lose weight. Kinda defeats the purpose.