trying this again

Hi everyone, I'm trying this again. Last time I did mfp, I was in high school and wasn't motivated, now its been 8 years since Iggraduated. now have a five yr old son. Since I was pregnant I have developed a lot of issues,I went from 155 lbs before pregnant to 200 at 9 months. I'm now at 240 something. I have hypothyroidism, type two diabetes, migraines, slight development of scoliosis, and I develop hives when I sweat. But I love the out doors, I like to hunt fish and garden. I like to sew. I have started going to the gym after dropping my kid off at school in the morning, I do at least 30 to 40 minutes of cardio and then 30 minutes of cardio with a mix of weights. I have also been trying to eat healthier and definitely watching size.
If you wanna be friends feel free to add me.
