Need some motivating friends!



  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Add me if you need to...
  • TammieOwen
    TammieOwen Posts: 54
    You can add me as well.
    It is so very hard to take that time for your self, when you have little ones as well. I am 30 with three girls and a full time job. Getting in the time to work out and make healthy meels is really hard.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi there,
    I can relate to the male metabolism magic. My husband just has to mention that he wants to lose 5 pounds, cut out a can of soda a day and *poof* - he's there! (I'm totally jealous)
  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    Although my boyfriend isn't the exercising type, I know if he tried to lose weight, it would happen so fast and I would be jealous!!! Add me as your friend if you'd like, I'm new to this site also and I'm terrified to weigh myself this week... scared I didn't lose anything even with my hard work!!
    Best of luck!

    xoxo Maggie
  • monkey191
    monkey191 Posts: 19
    Feel free to add me, I am new to the site and would be happy to support / for the support.

    My partner is 6 ft approx 11 stone and no matter what he eats it doesn't touch him, whereas I am a mere 5 ft and 11st 5 lbs and over the last few years it all really seems to be sticking around. I personally wouldn't compare yourself to your partner, set your own realistic goals and be happy when you achieve them (thats what I plan to do).
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Your story reminds me of those commercials! I can't think of the name, but they are for metabolism boosters.

    Just know that you are doing great. Everyone loses at different rates. Heck I have only lost 4 pounds in a month. Imagine where you will be six months or a year from now. Slow weight loss is more sustainable and thank your lucky stars you have a supportive hubby and not one who wants to shove ho-hos down your thoat, lol. Good luck!!

    I about died laughing when I read this! I remember the exact commercial. Where the lady loses only her chest and the guy becomes a stick! LOL! Thanks- I needed that!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Hey there :) I'm 28 too, wanting to lose about 40 more than i've already lost (and i'm without the excuse of a baby!)

    Feel free to add me, just like some of the other girls on here, my husband is just a TINY bit overweight but he just stops drinking soda or eating chips (which I stopped months ago) and he loses 7 lbs... I had a proud moment where I finally weighed less than him (it had been a while) and now he's catching me up again, oh well!

    Good luck, you're off to a GREAT start with your weight loss!

    Unfortunately, I can't even blame the baby! I ate so healthy while I was pregnant and then nursing, because it was best for the baby. I gained 34 pounds in a year because I was only eating for myself again and then didn't care about eating healthy. Now, I figure I better start eating better because it is still for my daughter-so she has a healthy, energized mom she can look up to as a healthy role model!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I know how it can be with a husband just loosing with little or no effort!! My hubby is trying to gain right now! he wants to gain 30 while I want to loose 30!

    Oh my goodness! That would drive me nuts!! Lol! Men!! It is so not fair that they should gain weight!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    well firstly well done on the weight you have lost so far!!..great job,i started this weightloss journey in feb 2010 i decided to join the gym i weighed 217lbs which i was shocked about!! far to date ive lost 51lbs taking me to 166...and want to loose 26lbs more to get to my goal of 140.i understand what you say about doing so well and you loose 2 whilst you partner looses more,i only have to look at a piece of chocolate and ive put on weight it really does suck i get disheartened too, so im offering my services as a motivational friend! good luck hun :-) x x x

    WOW!! Congrats! I will hopefully have similar results one day!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    but the way I look at it is I can keep on going and doing what I am doing such as counting my calories/carbs and make sure I get in some exercise at least 3X per week and lose only a few pounds a month or I can stop and gain a few pounds a month ........I rather be losing than gaining and if that means only losing a few pounds a month then so be it :) At least that is how I think of it and it gets me through :)

    You are so very right!! Thanks for putting it that way! I would rather stay at the weight I am now than gain 100 more pounds! So true!! Very motivating!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Don't try to compete with him. Men lose weight faster because they have a higher percentage of muscle than women. Muscle will burn calories at a higher rate than fat. If you think about it, you are losing the same, maybe not in numbers, but in the fact that he has more muscle. If anything, think about how much more energy you will have to play with your child and how much better you will feel and look at the end.

    Never compare yourself to anyone else when it comes to weight loss. Everyone is built differently and people do things differently.

    Take care.

    Thanks! This is the stuff that I need to hear!! Congrats on your tremendous weight loss as well!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Don't try to compete with him. Men lose weight faster because they have a higher percentage of muscle than women. Muscle will burn calories at a higher rate than fat. If you think about it, you are losing the same, maybe not in numbers, but in the fact that he has more muscle. If anything, think about how much more energy you will have to play with your child and how much better you will feel and look at the end.

    Never compare yourself to anyone else when it comes to weight loss. Everyone is built differently and people do things differently.

    Take care.

    Thanks! This is the stuff that I need to hear!! Congrats on your tremendous weight loss as well!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Thank you to everyone for all the responses! If you did not get a friend request from me, I might have missed you, so please add me! This was exactly what I needed to hear this morning! Thanks again!!
  • h20lillys
    h20lillys Posts: 31
    Add me! I am fairly new to the site myself and need some additional motivation. I do so good during the week with diet (or my attempt at dieting) and exercise and then when the weekend comes, i blow it!!

    I have found this site helpful, it is a real awakening to see how many calories you are acutally eating!!

  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Add me! I am fairly new to the site myself and need some additional motivation. I do so good during the week with diet (or my attempt at dieting) and exercise and then when the weekend comes, i blow it!!

    I have found this site helpful, it is a real awakening to see how many calories you are acutally eating!!


    Oh my goodness, I am the same way! Weekends are soooo hard!! Eating out is so tempting and really hard to find good for you food! I got the way I am from eating out! I am hoping to find a compromise to eat out less, but still eat out some but better choices!! Good luck to you too!!!
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