New here!

HI! My name is Stacy. I'm from Ohio. I just started MFP. I need to lose over 80 lbs. I've lost 11 so far. At my heaviest I was 250. When I stared this time I was 233 and today I'm at 222.2. I started Dec. 1st. I'm 30 and have 4 kids (3 boys and 1 girl) and have been happily married for almost 8 years and we've been together for over 10. I was 135 lbs when we started dating and didn't start to gain the weight until our 2nd child. I'm a stay home mom so when I got bored, I ate. I've tried dieting before and have lost but quickly went back to my old ways. This time I am a lot more determined. I had our 4th child in January and I want to be able to keep up with him. I feel bad that my middle 2 didn't have me at my best while they were very small but I plan to make up for that. My kids are Chase-9, Gage-7, Rylee-4 and Zac-10 months. (my user name is their initials and 4 for the 4 of them) My oldest has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy so that's been something I've battled with and have replaced my feelings with food. He is still mobile and is always wanting to do something so that has been my number one motivator. I want to be around for my family and be able to do all the things they do and want to do. I don't ever want them to feel that I don't care enough to not be heathy for myself or them.
I love seeing all the success stories in here! I'd love any advise anyone has to give. I don't want any negativity or anything like that. I can't wait to see where this journey is going to bring me! I'm excited to have started it with all of you!!


  • jodidari
    jodidari Posts: 95 Member
    Hey I'm Jodi. I've lost about 4 lbs and i want to lose between 8 and 18 more (depending on how my body looks0. I'm 19, 5 ft 4, no kids but i'm still here to motivate!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Stacy, my name is Sherry and have to lose about 50 pounds. I'm new to posting but have been here awhile. I find reading the posts very motivating. The best ones are straight to the point. They always stress weigh and log your food and stay within your calorie allotments. I have always wanted to follow some diet plan in the past, but this just makes things easy. I wish you the best on your journey.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi Stacy I'm Vada. Welcome and good luck. I need to lose about 40 pounds and it has truly been a journey. I sabotage myself with being an emotional eater and eating just because especially out of boredom. I like this site because the friends I have a very supportive and as soon as I learn to stop being my own worst enemy this will work. Weighing and measuring food, exercising and burning off more than you put in is the way to lose weight. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other!!