explain reps and sets?

can someone please explain like reps and sets for strength training like sit ups or squats?

lets say i did 100 sit ups how many reps or sets is that?"???


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member

    10 sets of 10 reps = 100

    rep is an individual motion
    set is a group of reps
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Reps - how many you did in a row.
    Sets - how many groups of reps you did.

    If you did 10 sit-ups, rested, then did 10 more, you did 2 sets of 10 reps.

    If you did all 100 without a break, you did 1 set of 100 reps.