gainging weight

I have a couple questions, say i had a bad weekend and gained weight, how fast would that weight come on? slowly through out the week, or all at once?

also, i had a big dinner at Kelsey's today but i was still under my calorie goal, it was not the best for me but i tired.. can i gain weight from that? cause i feel a bit bloated


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    As to your first question, it is most likely that you will gain that weight very quickly. It will not be gradual over 3 or 4 days, it will be immediate, maybe 1-2 days you will see the fat gain.

    No matter how big or small your individual meals are, if you are under your maintenance calories for the day, you will not gain weight.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Weight gain due to a "bad weekend" is going to be mostly water retention. Much of what people eat on bad days is full of salt, which causes increased water retention. Plus, you're going to have additional remnants of the meal still in various parts of your digestive system. It is extremely difficult to put on any serious weight over a couple days unless you really make a concerted effort to do nothing but eat. At most, you likely gained a pound of real weight. Most of the rest of what you see will come off once your osmotic balance reasserts itself and digestion catches up to your meals.
  • nicolabcy
    nicolabcy Posts: 8 Member
    i just drink a lot. haha its because gradually this week i've been gaining weight, it might be because i put up my calorie intake to 1300, ( i wasn't even getting 1000 before) it was bad so I've been doing some changes and haven't been so strict.