Can't seem to feel full



  • 40DmBjunkie41
    40DmBjunkie41 Posts: 18 Member
    With all of these helpful responses above, you probably won't get to mine, but it is worth a shot. May I ask how much you currently weigh? Do you consider yourself to be overweight? How long have you been over weight? Do you drink water? How much water can you tolerate? What do you normally eat for breakfast? Now, here it comes... I am very overweight. I have the same problem of feeling full and/or satisfied. I have found that if I drink a whole 16 oz. bottle of water after I've eaten, I feel far more full (and sometimes satisfied). If I eat predominately raw foods for a meal, I'll drink the water afterwards, but if it is a cooked meal, then a cup of hot tea works wonders for me. I know that EVERY BODY is different, but this is what really works for me. If you are NOT overweight, then I'm not sure that this will work for you. People who have their weight more under control can do the protein thing, or the protein and carb thing to gain the sense of fullness and/or satisfaction. Which body-type are you? If you're overweight and looking to lose somewhere around 100 lbs. please feel free to add me as your 'friend'. We could share ideas and support each other.
  • JenR1008
    JenR1008 Posts: 36 Member
    It's gotten better since monday. I do seem to need to eat more in the morning. There is some like a king in the morning and a pauper at night...looking at my diary that seems to hold true.