Maintaing a healthy weight during pregnancy?

laurenmw1990 Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Good Morning :)

I am wondering if anyone has any healthy high-protein recipes for maintaining weight during pregnancy?
I have lost a LOT of weight 145lbs :o in the past, by changing my terrible eating habits and whatnot, however I find myself being hungry ALL the time, and for bad things :( .
I find if I don’t track religiously, I eat whatever I want… (like yesterday, a million shortbread cookies and orange juice) >:)
I want to hit 100 grams of protein a day.. so a lot of cottage cheese and Greek yogurt and tuna.. however that isn’t always appetizing. :p

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Low carb/fat, and HIGH in protein B)


  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    Hi, how far along are you? There is a pregnancy group called Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant if you want to connect with other mom's to be. I am currently at the end of my pregnancy (37 weeks) and have lots of pregnant friends on here. I usually hit about 180 gms of protein a day, I haven't gained very much this pregnancy so I actually started trying to increase my carb intake the past several months. I eat a lot of eggs, egg whites, greek yogurt, chicken, turkey, protein bars and shakes. I recently started eating a bit more beef because i have been craving it in these final weeks weirdly.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    First, talk to your dr about nutrients you need. Low fat and low carb might not be safe.
    Second thing you need to remember: while you should not starve yourself, pregnant women do not need to eat for two and just because you have cravings, it does not mean you have to actually satisfy these cravings. The basics still apply: eat way more than you need, it is stored as fat. This myth that a pregnant woman should give in to cravings because her body is telling her what it needs? It is a myth. So, if tracking works for you, keep tracking. Had to do because of gestational diabetes 3 times, it sucks, it is not how pregnancy is usually "advertised", it is frustrating, but it is doable and it works.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Going to follow this thread, as I have some of the same concerns.

    A lot of what I have read has said to eat only about 150-300 extra calories a day. 150 during the first trimester, in most cases. Which is what I have set my diary up to do. I did gain more weight, though, than I should have during the first trimester, and I've been getting mixed responses. Some have told me I've gained too much, others are telling me not to stress and it's just me adjusting to the appetite changes, hormonal changes, etc and to worry more about the baby. With all the mixed messages, I feel a tad overwhelmed.
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    When I was pregnant with my 8 month old twins, I logged my food almost every day to make sure I ate well. Worth the effort and it keeps you on track!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member

    I was going to suggest joining us at Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant too - the more the merrier! Here is the link:

    I am trying to work on my protein intake too, and having six small meals/snacks every day to keep intake constant.

    Be careful with tuna as you are not supposed to eat too much of it when pregnant - 3 medium tins a week is the recommended max limit here in the UK. This is due to mercury levels and other toxins is larger fish. I eat a lot of eggs too, I have two for breakfast pretty much every day.

    With regards to calories it depends on your start weight. I gained a lot of weight (exams) just before becoming pregnant (unplanned) so had tipped into the obese category, so I have been told not to increase calories until third trimester and then only by 100 cal per day. Naturally someone who is lucky enough to have a normal start weight needs a little more, but even then only from 2nd trimester.

    Hope to see you on the FFP group!