Help needed

Started off really well but been hit by the dreaded flu and i feel like i have zero energy. Finding it so difficult to keep on track when all my body is craving is carbs and sugar!!

Need a kick up the bum!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You are sick with the flu, time to get your priorities together. Get better and then get back to tracking. It's hard to do both when you don't feel well. Hope you feel better soon :)
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    soup, crackers, orange juice and plenty of rest.
  • emzilou83
    emzilou83 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys. Still trying to stay well behaved. Its the same cycle- have a good start to weight loss, get cold/flu etc which can last weeks for me, then i comfort eat to aid my recovery and end up being heavier than when i started. Motivation drops to nothing. Really didnt want that to happen again so have been trying so hard to have the right things, but listening to my body when it craves something without going overboard!! Just feeling yucky, I'm sure others are feelong much worse than i am and I'll be better soon enough!