247 Pounds

So I'm at that place again...you know where you commit to getting healthy for real this time. Don't get me wrong it's a great place to vacation. It's full of hope, lean protien and green leafy vegetables. But I'm not looking for a weekend retreat. I want to move in, unpack my bags, take off my shoes and wear the hell out of my welcome! I really have no choice this time. I'm a forty (25 if you're really my friend) year old, hypertensive, diabetic, with high cholesterol. Those 4 things in the same body are never good. Most importantly , I am a mom to the best 3 yr old you've ever met and I want to be around for every boo boo, smile, let down, and accomplishment! So I'm going to do it for both of us (& because I've had 40 years...get it right already woman!).
So here's the up shot...I'm super prepared. Last year I pretty much got addicted to exercise. I injured my back this summer and was actually depressed about missing out on the gym ( there's a first time for everything), I'm building a good support system (if you're reading this you are officially on the hook as a supporter), and I'm tracking food!
So wish me luck and/or friend me if you like. I'm looking forward to the journey!


  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good luck! I am around the same weight, 241 (I've put on about 5 pounds of fruitcake already in the last month), and am planning to get fully back in the swing of things Jan 1. I am currently eating maintenance as I heard that can be a good idea to do for a few weeks before making a calorie cut. Add me if you want an mfp friend!
