Christmas dieting :)



  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm going to eat as much as I feel like eating and then move on to the next day.

    This may be considered an advanced technique.

    Yes, since you put away more than 8,000 calories on Thanksgiving and didn't gain weight, you are definitely in the advanced class ;)
    I still weigh less than I did the day before Thanksgiving. Maybe I jumpstarted my metabolism. o:)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,954 Member
    I'm rearranging the calories in my week to allow me to eat more on Christmas. So I'm eating less than usual the other days. But I have no intention of cheating. Christmas is about more than food.
  • MissLincolnTaylor
    MissLincolnTaylor Posts: 66 Member

    I am going to track what I eat (just because I like to have the data), but eat what I feel like having on Christmas Day.
    I like this idea :) x

  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    Between the two holidays Thanksgiving is the foodie holiday in my family. I just found out that my maintenance calories are fairly decent (2254 to maintain...1340 to lose) so hopefully I won't go much over.

    But like mostly everyone said... I am going to eat what I want and log everything and put that day in the books
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    same thing as last year i will track and stay under or at maintenance until christmas eve then 24-jan 1st no tracking maybe some lax tracking on the 28th 29th i dont know but yeah

    christmas and dieting or caring about calorie counting is just never going to happen for me .... if it ever does that will be a sad sad time indeed
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    It'll be nice to let go a little bit I think, if I can manage to let go.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I'm going to try and stay in my calories. If I don't, no big deal, ill get right back on it the next day.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,416 Member
    edited December 2015
    What I said here:

    Machka9 wrote: »
    I'll just say exactly what I said in another thread ...

    Machka9 wrote: »
    My plan is this:

    I am about 2 kg from my goal. I am sticking to my diet right now, and will continue to do so up till about Dec 21, 22 or 23. I'll decide when I get there. If all goes well, I might lose those last 2 kg or close to it, and will switch to maintenance.

    My work forces us all to take 10 days off over Christmas. If all goes well, I'm hoping we'll actually have some decent summer weather then, and I plan to exercise a lot in that time.

    During that time, I also plan to take a diet break. I'll eat whatever I want to eat for those 10 days, and possibly the day before and after too.

    Then I'll reassess where I am. I may need to go back onto the diet again for January ... or maybe all the exercise I've done will compensate, and I'll just continue with maintenance. :)

    No need for panic ... it's all under control. :)

  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm not gonna log, but I don't plan to go crazy either. Maybe try to make 70% good choices and the other 30...well, not so good.
  • scorpcookie
    scorpcookie Posts: 113 Member
    I've slowly began to raise the amount of calories I'm allowing myself to eat during the month of December. Starting this week I've raised it by 250 calories and starting this weekend I'll just go to around maintenance for at least 3 weeks before plunging back down to my original deficit as I try to lose my last few pounds.

    But I'll still be performing lots of exercise in hopes of not gaining too much weight. As much as I will try to record everything that I eat, I know I'll probably end up over maintenance on a regular basis.

    I worked hard all year to lose weight so that I could enjoy this time of year. If I gain anything, so be it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Track it and move on, just like any other day.......except cookies!
  • I'm tracking everything as accurately as possible on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I'll eat closer to maintenance, but I'll probably subtract 250 calories from that number just to leave a bit of a buffer in case of logging errors. I will be using my food scale before people start showing up, and then I'll put it away.
  • tomofnz
    tomofnz Posts: 23 Member
    I'm going to cycle down to KFC!
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    I don't workout or track calories on Xmas day but that's just me. I just have to not go overboard but it's so friggin' hard when there's so much delicious food and alcohol around. The year before last I managed not to gain any weight over Xmas so am hoping to do the same this year but will try not to be too bummed out if I do gain.
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    I am trying lose a further 10 lbs after reaching goal in June and maintaining for a while (and gaining a couple). After 16 months (on and off) of being very concerned with what I eat, I am not keen on doing it for too much longer, so I don't really want Christmas/NYE to trash my progress any further.

    With that said, I looked at what I have on over the Christmas period and figured I would rather enjoy all those parties and occasions for what they are, rather than getting out my phone to log my third helping of cheesecake. I'll not be specifically working out from 23rd to 27th, what with everything I have on and probably won't track either.

    To prepare for the gluttony, I have been working out harder so far this month and introduced a large deficit on non-party days. I intend to attempt my usual Christmas Day challenge of consuming an entire Chocolate Orange before lunch as well, although my brain has been changed by this process and I probably can't actually manage it anymore!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I do log on Christmas day, but I'm aware I'll definitely be over cals and don't worry about it. I don't like to miss logging but I'm eating ALL the Christmas goodies. :D
  • bmj2015
    bmj2015 Posts: 31 Member
    On December 24th and 25th I will eat whatever I want, no logging. I'm not going to worry about it at all. I find that I get full VERY quickly these days so I think I have a little bit of built-in portion control now anyway.

    I have a different approach to New Year's Eve/Day though. I always ask myself "How do I want to feel on the first day of the NEW year?" (Rather than "How can I end the OLD year with a bang?") For me, feeling fit and refreshed on January 1st is important, so immediately after Christmas Day I will be back on track and taking EXTRA good care of myself so I can head into 2016 with a sense of momentum and accomplishment.
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    bmj2015 wrote: »
    I always ask myself "How do I want to feel on the first day of the NEW year?" (Rather than "How can I end the OLD year with a bang?") For me, feeling fit and refreshed on January 1st is important, so immediately after Christmas Day I will be back on track and taking EXTRA good care of myself so I can head into 2016 with a sense of momentum and accomplishment.


  • StellaRose227
    StellaRose227 Posts: 43 Member
    I might have already prelogged the breakfast casserole that I will be cooking on xmas morning. Once dinner plans are finalized I'll prelog that too. I won't worry too much about going over on that day. And unlike Thanksgiving, I am not hosting so there won't be so many tempting leftovers around afterwards. I've also been adding an extra 20 minutes cardio every day since Thanksgiving.
  • MissLincolnTaylor
    MissLincolnTaylor Posts: 66 Member
    bmj2015 wrote: »
    On December 24th and 25th I will eat whatever I want, no logging. I'm not going to worry about it at all. I find that I get full VERY quickly these days so I think I have a little bit of built-in portion control now anyway.

    I have a different approach to New Year's Eve/Day though. I always ask myself "How do I want to feel on the first day of the NEW year?" (Rather than "How can I end the OLD year with a bang?") For me, feeling fit and refreshed on January 1st is important, so immediately after Christmas Day I will be back on track and taking EXTRA good care of myself so I can head into 2016 with a sense of momentum and accomplishment.

    Aww now that is some motivational talk right there! i love your approach x