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I'm looking to lose 10 lbs but I'm too lazy to exercise lol. Do you think cutting calories will be enough?


  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Absolutely. Calories in vs calories out is the key to losing weight, period. However, if you want a hot tight body with no jiggle, that's where workouts come in. Diet is for weight loss, exercise is for looks/strength. So it depends on what you want out of this. Also, workin gout will help you drop weight faster and keep it off longer.

    That being said, I'm also looking to drop about 10lbs. Add me if you wanna help eachother out!
  • boomshakalaka911
    boomshakalaka911 Posts: 655 Member
    If you're too lazy to workout you're too lazy to change and monitor your diet. For real.