Dessert policy (best for LCHF / warrior diet)

What's your dessert policy? When do you allow yourself dessert, what do you choose, and how much do you eat?

I'm on a LCHF + warrior diet, mainly for convenience purposes. (I'm a very slow eater, and a feaster to boost, so snacking during the day really doesn't pay off for me.)

I have a fairly strong sweet tooth, which can make it challenging to be on a low carb diet, since sugar is a very dense - and addicting - carb package.

Futhermore, I love to bake! :/

Any tips?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I have dessert every night and work it into my calories. Usually ice cream/gelato or a bit of candy. If I didn't, I'd probably end up binging on it.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    edited December 2015
    I have 'dessert' but it's always a Light and Fit Greek yogurt with blueberries in it. I don't eat "real" dessert food unless it's Saturday, then I allow myself a small dessert. I always bake for Saturday, we have "game night" so I can make a huge batch of something and our guests eat most of it. I also have kids who are like a swarm of locusts. This weekend we're doing Christmas sugar cookies.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm not LCHF but I have 170g Greek yogurt and 150g fresh berries after lunch and an ice cream after dinner almost daily - like a Solero or Fab or Mars Ice cream bar etc

    I think the lunch dessert might work?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    SF jelly with berries and whipped double cream.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't snack, but I work a dessert into my calories quite frequently and have it immediately after dinner (or on occasion, lunch instead). Most often this is ice cream or gelato, sometimes it's a piece of good chocolate or (recently) a Christmas cookie, sometimes I go with cheese instead.

    Can you actually have a dessert that involves sugar (and other carb sources) on a LCHF diet? I wouldn't think it would be much of an issue, as it would blow the carb count. I know there are various LC desserts, but haven't tried any. I know there are yogurts that might as well be desserts, some with artificial sweetener (although yogurt will have natural sugars too).
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    edited December 2015
    I don't really have a label on my way of eating. I would say I try to do moderate carbs, higher than average fat, and I attempt to get in adequate-to-high protein.

    I don't have dessert. I eat dinner, and that's it. That's not a rule; we just don't really have dessert on a regular basis - though we do sometimes have fruit as part of the meal and call it dessert, actually. I don't think, despite that not being a rule, that it would be a good idea for me, personally, to have the habit of having dessert every night. A better question for me to answer would be, "What is your sweets policy?"

    I don't keep them in the house, but I eat them if they fit into my calorie and macro goals (more so the calories than the macros). My additional criteria is that I cannot be full. I will get single servings outside my home (restaurant, bakery, someone else's home, candy bar).

    This week has been Christmas cookie week. I've had 4 cookies, all within my daily goals. That's more non-fruit/dairy/wheat/natural sugar (differentiating since people on here get nitpicky about all sugar being the same - which it is) than I would typically have in a week, but it's an exception since I have been baking.

    I just don't want to make things any harder for myself than they need to be. I like having an environment set up in a way that makes willpower unnecessary. I don't have kids, and my husband doesn't care about sweets, so it works.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I use the "Bread, Booze, or Brownie" rule: I aim to limit myself to one serving empty carby calories per day--e.g., bread, alcohol, OR dessert ("brownie" is a stand-in for all dessert items just to keep the alliteration going).
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited December 2015
    If we are talking dessert with dinner, I don't typically do that, maybe once a month tops (typically holidays like pie at Thanksgiving or Christmas, maybe something on the 4th of July, anniversary dinner at a restaurant etc...). So, when the occasion arises I fit it in my calories or say whatever.

    If we are talking a snack later in the evening, almost every night. It used to be low fat fudge pops, now it is dark chocolate covered coffee beans. I've also done cookies, etc... I like to have a snack in the evening and don't care for breakfast, so I skip breakfast and eat bigger lunches and dinners along with a snack.

    If I'm having a dessert/snack, macro content is of little concern to me. Overall I try to have a balanced diet that falls somewhere near 40% carb, 30% each protein and fat while losing weight.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited December 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I don't snack, but I work a dessert into my calories quite frequently and have it immediately after dinner (or on occasion, lunch instead). Most often this is ice cream or gelato, sometimes it's a piece of good chocolate or (recently) a Christmas cookie, sometimes I go with cheese instead.

    Can you actually have a dessert that involves sugar (and other carb sources) on a LCHF diet? I wouldn't think it would be much of an issue, as it would blow the carb count. I know there are various LC desserts, but haven't tried any. I know there are yogurts that might as well be desserts, some with artificial sweetener (although yogurt will have natural sugars too).

    I would have thought this, too.

    I find that if I want something sweet, best to either have it when there's no chance to get more (grab a cookie on the go, snag some at a restaurant right before leaving), or have it right before I go to sleep. Otherwise there's a decent chance I'll want more than I planned on having. Worst time for me to have sweets is if I'm sitting around not doing much.

    ETA: I've not been very successful following those guidelines lately, but when I do they work great.
  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    SF jello almost every day, with a little kool whip.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited December 2015
    I love to bake too, so what I do is bake the day before I am going to see my family. I send some home with my fiance, give some to my family, and end up with a few servings for myself.

    Or I'll make a batch of these just bake what we are going to eat that night, put the rest of the batter in the freezer, formed into cookies, and bake as needed.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My usual desserts (I eat LCHF too) include good quality dark chocolate (70% or better) or heavy cream with berries (fresh when in season, frozen and thawed this time of year). Those fit nicely into my macros. On special occassions I will have traditional high carb desserts, but that's no more than a few times a month, if that; I have one serving of something I really enjoy and end it. That said, my after dinner snack ("dessert") doesn't necessarily need to be sweet; sometimes a handful of almonds or a chunk of cheese will satisfy without worrying about carbs at all. There a LOTS of recipes for low carb versions of traditionally high carb desserts, so you could certainly try to find some substitutes you like. Personally I hate the taste of artificial sweeteners (and those recipes rely heavily on them), so my strategy has always been to strictly limit how often I eat sugary desserts, rather than trying to make them compatible with a low carb plan.
  • gettinfabnfit
    gettinfabnfit Posts: 29 Member
    Haven't found a lot of dessert options on low carb but I used to do Koolaid with Splenda frozen pops and Xarb smart cola floats with diet soda
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Anything with chocolate. Or a bowl of berries with milk and a bit of sugar, yum. Or a flavoured greek yogurt...
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    There are loads of websites that have low carb dessert recipes. Google "keto dessert recipes"
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I love to bake too. ...but I rarely sample it, I much prefer to see the joy on others faces when they sample what I make :smile:

    I fit a treat or two of some kind into my cals every day, I do love a little chocolate hit :smile: ....dessert only happens once a week or if we eat out (rare occasions) and it has to be super delicious for me to eat it all ... what once I scoffed down I no longer care if I sample or not.

    Taste buds change....