Hi MFP Friends,
I am not new to fitness or weight loss! I have been a yo-yo dieter my whole life. Over the last 2 years I have had to deal with major hip injurys and had my second major surgery (periacitabular osteotomy and labral repair) the end of July. I was pretty active with my Cross fit group but it all came to a stand still and I have found myself 35 pounds up from my healthy weight. To make matters unhappy, I was on crutches for 2 months, then a cane for 5 weeks. I am slowly getting back to working out. The healing for someone my age is about a year! I am hoping to find friends to support and be supported by. I think one of my main issues is emotional eating, living here in MN the long dreary days of winter are no help! I am in the Air National Guard and one major goal I have it to max my fitness test in May...not sure I will be able to run :neutral:.... but at least weight, waist measurement, push ups and sit ups!
I am looking for inspiration, to inspire and to be accountable!
Hoping you all have a great healthy day!
