Time for a change

Hello everyone,

I'm new, but not really. I've been on MFP before, but I sort of pushed my health and fitness goals aside because my work life started to get a bit busier. While on that "break" I still tried to keep the same mindset, but of course I let myself get lazy. I didn't completely stop thinking about what I ate or how much of it I ate, I just allowed myself more treats than I should have, and I just started to workout less and less to the point that now there's dust on everything in my workout room. I was thinking about it the other day and knew I needed to make a change, I needed to get my life back on track. I was doing so well before, I had gotten so far in my journey, and it's a waste just to throw it all away because "I just didn't feel like it". So I'm back at it again, starting off completely fresh and new.

I'm Kris by the way (not my real name, a nickname. I'm one of those people who chooses to keep my identity to myself, so I don't have a picture of myself on my profile and I would prefer not to give out my real name), and here are my stats and goals and plan for my journey this time around.

115 lb (as of this morning)
22.85% BF (based on an average of several different measurements)

I was very close to my goal before I pretty much gave up so I'm still fairly lean, I'm just starting to look a bit pudgy.


100 lb
17-19% BF
I want to be lean and strong. I don't just want to look healthy, I want to feel healthy too.

My plan for this round.

1) Don't overload myself with planning and workouts to the point that I eventually get burnt out and give up (again).
2) Strength training (body weight exercises and lifting) at least twice a week.
3) Cardio (Running, Hiking, Zumba, etc.) at least twice a week. (Can be on the same day as my strength days.)
4) Cut back my intake on more calorie dense (less nutritious) foods.
5) Keep more nutrient dense foods on hand (especially for snacking).
6) Start bringing a water bottle with me everywhere.
7) Plan when I can and log as I go. Before I always planned ahead but then I would deviate from the plan and a lot of times I wouldn't change my log so I wasn't logging very accurately.
8) Keep a happy mindset about my fitness journey, don't stress when I don't see immediate results.
9) Weigh ins, once a month.
10) Log all exercise on Jawbone (I work a desk job, so it helps me remember to move every once and a while) and log all food on MFP.
11) Allow myself room (in my calorie budget) to have a "treat" every now and then, or to eat out.
12) Remember that I am my biggest motivator but it does help to have outside support, especially my husband.

Well, that's it I do believe. If you have similar goals or would just like to join me in my journey (or need support for your journey), then please feel free to add me. I wish everyone the best of luck in their health/fitness journeys and hope you all have a good day/evening/night (whichever applies).


  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    As Mary Poppins says, "Well begun is half done!"

    You've got a great plan, you have made a commitment to yourself, now just relax and enjoy the adventure!
  • FitStrongHealthy
    FitStrongHealthy Posts: 220 Member
    Thank you :)
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I agree w Bri... you have a great plan, but it's a *lot*. Maybe you're better than me at juggling, but I find that if I implement 1-2-3 things a week, I'm a lot better at sticking to them than if I try to add a bunch at a time. If going whole-hog works for you, go to it! If you find you're struggling, maybe try a more gradual approach? Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends. Jen
  • FitStrongHealthy
    FitStrongHealthy Posts: 220 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thank you @jenj1313.

    I'm still gradually working my way into implementing all of these into my daily life. And most of these are just little things to remind myself every now and then, like staying positive and motivated. The last time I was on MFP I was working out 6 days a week for 1 hr each day and was pretty much wearing myself out, and I wasn't really allowing myself time to relax. this time I plan to slowly work on certain things a few weeks at a time. Like this week, and probably next week too, I'm trying to log as accurately as possible and not check my weight everyday (This will probably be my biggest challenge). I did workout twice this week though, even though it wasn't part of my focus for the week.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Your plan looks great! Realistic and focused. I love to workout out and my goals are all fitness related, so added you :).