Burned out trying to lose weight



  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Shakeology is not a scam. It is a way of healthy eating. Have you tried it and failed? Is that why you feel it is a scam?

    To me, it is a scam in the sense that it doesn't teach you how to eat to continue to lose, or to maintain, without it. It perpetuates the yo-yo dieting so prevalent among those types of diets, and yo-yo dieting is known to have a negative effect on our health.
  • sugom2
    sugom2 Posts: 93 Member
    Actually my friend did not try to sell me anything. I saw her results--we have been friends for 30 years. My shake includes items I was already using in my breakfast plan, such as non-fat greek yogurt, Almond milk, fresh fruit, etc. I am no longer hungry before lunch, and don't require a 3 pm snack to make it through the day. I enjoy the shake so much, I have worked it into my week night routine 2 nights a week. It works for me, and I see what it has done for others. It is the ingredients in the shake that work for me.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Shakeology is not a scam. It is a way of healthy eating. Have you tried it and failed? Is that why you feel it is a scam?

    To me, it is a scam in the sense that it doesn't teach you how to eat to continue to lose, or to maintain, without it. It perpetuates the yo-yo dieting so prevalent among those types of diets, and yo-yo dieting is known to have a negative effect on our health.

    Yep. That ^^
  • sugom2
    sugom2 Posts: 93 Member
    FYI, Shakeology isn't a 200-300 calorie shake either. I guess you haven't done your homework.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    All MLM products are ripoffs. They don't teach you healthy habits, they're not actually good for you and they leave a big hole in your wallet. People who tell you they work are only trying to trade on your desperation to sell you this junk. Eat REAL food, paying attention to calorie counts and nutrition. Weigh everything so you aren't fooled as to portion size.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    sugom2 wrote: »
    FYI, Shakeology isn't a 200-300 calorie shake either. I guess you haven't done your homework.

    It's a waste of time and money. You seem very invested in promoting it, I have to say...
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    First, I was once told by a kinesologist, that it might be hard for an obese person to start a regular exercise regimen. It can be very stressful for the body because, the extra weight is already impairing our movement. He suggested to loose weight to a somewhat middle overweight BMI and then start that kind of exercise. Meanwhile you can focus on low impact, lower intensity, like simply walking. You will walk longer and faster as time go and eventually you can move on to higher impact and increased intensity.
    Second I tried a few different time to lose weight. They are diet preference for each of us. We are all different. Your new diet should be a way of eating that you can keep for the rest of your life. Don't over do it by eating 1200cal. A good way for me to find a long term eating plan was to calculate my maintenance calories for my goal weight and eat that amount. Once I will reach maintenance, I will already be used to eat that amount and i will have develop habits that should stay. Are you going to drink shake all your life? no then don't drink shakes. Anything that you believe you will not be able to commit for life should be pushed aside. Relearn how to eat properly: making the right choices and portion size. Just this process or re learning to cook, choose food, design meals and portion is a slow learning curve.
    You also sometime need to do some introspection and find a good reason with an emotional connection, a meaningful emotional connection, why you want/need to lose the weight. It really helps to stay focus when you faces some struggles on your journey to health.
    You are worth it.
  • PearlGirl0521
    PearlGirl0521 Posts: 4 Member
    Learn to love yourself again, just as you are. If you love yourself it will be easier to stay motivated. Also, you could try eating organic and eat mostly a plant based diet (Nothing packaged, nothing with additives and toxins) Eating lots of toxins will actually make your body hold onto your fat for protection against these toxins. I did this before i had my baby and I lost all my fat and felt amazingly energized and healthy. Its a long slow process but you wouldnt be on here if you werent trying. Good job!!