What's one *small* way your significant other offers support?



  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Let me count the ways!!
    1. He let's me talk about calories for an hour and doesn't tell me to stop. Thinking outloud is critical to me. He listens thoughtfully.
    2. He now knows to ask me before surprising me with food, he used to at times bring home dinner so I don't have to cook. But it can't be a surprise anymore.
    3. He's the most supportive and reminds me to be kind to myself when I have a set back.
    4. His phrase of encouragement always gets right into my soul, he says "Go Kitty, Go!!" that's my nickname around the house and it's just so cute and reminds me how much we both want to see me happily successful.
    5. He picks me up!! Being picked up as an adult is quite thrilling and it makes me feel teeny tiny!
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    He doesn't find weighing food and being particular as odd as he used to. He used be like "is this really necessary?" And now he understands it is what I want and have to do to make myself healthy and happy. Just yesterday I had a serious headache. I never drink soda but was pouring to measure 1/2 cup of soda for a boost. He started to say "are you really pouring it into a...." He stopped mid sentence and said "I'm sorry. I hope you head feels better!"
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    There are a few foods that I find difficult to resist, and that he normally eats.
    He doesn't eat them around me any more.

    its the little things.
  • smelbo
    smelbo Posts: 36 Member
    My husband does the grocery shopping...it has been his job for years. This is a good thing, cause I don't get tempted to buy stuff like potato chips, and he will NEVER buy them, unless I ask. Also, he has learned to read labels, which is really cute when he comes home and tells me about all the good things he has bot for me <3
  • shelleysykeskeene
    shelleysykeskeene Posts: 110 Member
    I never really thought about this...I am going to have to thank my hubby when he gets home!

    Hubby has never actually said anything about my weight - even when I got grossly overweight. He still just kept loving me and supporting me.

    When I decided I wanted to lose weight he went out and bought the food scale, measuring cups and spoons and a treadmill for me - and went with me to buy new walking shoes.

    He now watches our son while I work out at home.

    He often hugs me out of the blue and grabs my bum and says 'mmm, that feels smaller!'

    He spots me when I am doing weights at home and he has even started to work out with weights along with me.

    He eats my low cal dinners and snacks, and has changed to the lower fat versions of certain things with no complaints.

    He does not eat any meals I have specifically weighed or measured and set aside and he eats all his junk food in his home office so I don't get tempted.