Can I change my goals to meet diabetic diet?

I was recently diagnose as diabetic. I am just over the cusp and I would like to be able to control it with diet. Can I update my goasl so that the carbs I am allowed will reflect a dibetic diet on here?


  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    edited December 2015
    My Home>Goals - from there you can edit the percent of your food you want to come from which macro groups. If you are counting carbs, you will need to play around with the percentages until you generate the right number of grams.

    I was diagnosed a little over 2 months ago, and pulled my blood glucose numbers into the normal range within 3 days by eating fewer than 50 net carbs a day; fewer than 21 in a meal. I'm obsessively testing for the time being, with the expectation that I will ultimately be able to predict my reaction to most of the foods I eat and will be able to drop back to testing intermittently to make sure I'm in remission. (I test before eating, at 1 hour, at 2 hours, and (if 2 hours is higher than 1 hour) at 3 hours. At diagnosis my A1C was 7.2 - based on my averages it is likely around 5.2 now.)

    I'm also working on losing weight (1/3 of the way to a 67 lb goal) with the hope that my insulin resistance will decrease so I can increase my carb consumption slightly.

    Good Luck!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I was recently diagnose as diabetic. I am just over the cusp and I would like to be able to control it with diet. Can I update my goasl so that the carbs I am allowed will reflect a dibetic diet on here?
    neohdiver wrote: »
    My Home>Goals - from there you can edit the percent of your food you want to come from which macro groups. If you are counting carbs, you will need to play around with the percentages until you generate the right number of grams.

    Yes. When i was diagnosed diabetic, I was given a max of 180 grams of total carbs per day. I played around with my macro percentages and ended up with 35% of my calories in carbs equaling 177 grams. I have actually kept those percentages (35% carb, 35% protein, 30% fat) even with the lower calorie target now that I have lost weight.

    I was also diagnosed as being just over the line with an A1C of 7.3. Within 9 months I was down to 5.5. My last A1C was 5.0. All due to diet and exercise. Good luck! It can be done!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Yep - go low carb or even Ketogenic.