Motivation for cluster B personality disordered folks! =).

Hello! I'm Kat, and I have NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). There is an amalgamation of traits that defines this disorder, but one trait in particular is the reason I'm making this post, and it's something most cluster B disordered people can relate to - craving attention.

I've been back on MFP for ten days now, and zero of my daily updates, diary posts, or weigh-ins have received any likes or comments! Of course, I'm here to become strong and I'm not going to drop out just because I'm not receiving attention, but attention would be a really great motivator.

If you are also a cluster B disordered person who could use the extra attention via likes and comments, then let's be friends! If you like, you might also post here so other cluster B disordered people can see who you are and friend you too. =).