I want to loose 30 pounds

I am doing 45 minutes of cardiovascular every 4 day. I am not to strict when it comes to diet. I eat a bad food daily but in moderation. Any advices!


  • wtskinner
    wtskinner Posts: 178 Member
    To get the most bang for you buck, tightening your diet would definitely go a long way. I would start with a week of tracking exactly what you eat through this web site, without changing anything about your diet. This site's database is pretty good at having meals from fast food, restaurants, etc. Also, if you find something that isn't here, you can add it manually. The site makes tracking as easy as possible. Then, take a look back over the week and see what your diet really looks like, that is a huge starting point, just knowing exactly what you are eating.

    Then, use a site like http://macronutrientcalculator.com/ (or run a google search on food macros calculator and find another site that you might like better) and use the form to estimate how many calories you should be eating a day to lose weight based on your goal. If you have no metabolic issues (diabetes, etc.) you should be able to eat a standard clean diet, exercise some and drop the weight. Just follow the numbers and track. If it interests you, you could research different eating strategies, such as keto, carb cycling, low fat or whatever fits your lifestyle. 80% of your body is made in the kitchen. Exercise helps some, but you won't lose the weight on exercise alone without a solid diet (not predictably and reliably anyway)