etiquette rant



  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Curtruns wrote: »
    just sit on the bench right behind words just sit down right behind him and wait.

    I did this last weekend. An older couple were taking up both squat racks and taking their sweet a** time. Chatting like no one else was in the (busy) gym at the time. They still didn't get the hint so I finally asked to work in. Annoying.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    Wanted to use the bench (only one true bench at the gym), and it looked like the guy was about midway through his set, so I decided to just do a couple laps on the track while I waited and kept my eye on him as I went around. He started unloading the bar so I finished my lap and started heading over there. I've heard or/seen some people curling in the squat rack, but this morning was a first for me. He turned around, straddled the bench and started curling the 45lb bar. Then goes and grab's 2.5lb weights and curls two more sets. REALLY! The gym wasn't that crowded and there were plenty of other preloaded bars, preacher curl stations etc...


    Did you ask? The gym as you said wasn't crowded and you were off doing cardio. How would he know anyone else needed the equipment? At my gym if I need equipment I simply ask how many sets left if someone is using it. Not that complicated.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    edited December 2015
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoying by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    love you
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    Lmao. You actually just described my gym - three power racks, a squat rack, and a combination bench/squat rack. Except it works beautifully most of the time, because the squat rack is for curling and ohp/push press and everyone can actually ask to work in or how many sets are left. That and we all know how to drag a bench over to a power rack to bench in there.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    If you don't educate the noobs on gym etiquette you'll end up in a self-fulfilling cycle of them not following gym etiquette.

    That's an interesting perspective, and a useful one for gym owners, since it will lead me to use my workout time paying them so I can do Noob Education, instead of the other way around. But it doesn't in any way address my point, which is that it's completely reasonable to be annoyed at a voting adult who doesn't have enough self-awareness to realize that he's taking up the one set of dedicated bench press equipment in a crowded gym to do things that aren't bench pressing, and people shouldn't actually have to be obligated to ask him to stop doing it so they can bench.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    The easiest resolve to this is just asking if you can use the bench. Most people are accommodating if the request isn't outlandish.
    In almost any gym I've been in, if it's not crowded and if there's no indication that someone is waiting for equipment to use, it's NOT unusual for an individual to stay in the same place doing a free weight workout.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Also, have a plan B in case at the beginning of the year your gym's equipment is occupied more than normal. Consider doing bodyweight workouts, isolation work (like flyes) etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    If you don't educate the noobs on gym etiquette you'll end up in a self-fulfilling cycle of them not following gym etiquette.

    That's an interesting perspective, and a useful one for gym owners, since it will lead me to use my workout time paying them so I can do Noob Education, instead of the other way around. But it doesn't in any way address my point, which is that it's completely reasonable to be annoyed at a voting adult who doesn't have enough self-awareness to realize that he's taking up the one set of dedicated bench press equipment in a crowded gym to do things that aren't bench pressing, and people shouldn't actually have to be obligated to ask him to stop doing it so they can bench.

    I'd rather ask than wait forever to use it.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    I take it you work out someplace with a ton of equipment. You're lucky. Have you ever been in a globo gym on Mondays after work, or any day of the week after work for the last two and first three months of the year? No piece of equipment in the weight area sits idle. If you want one, you better have reflexes like Bruce Lee and watch it like a hawk so you can snag it out from under the last person who was on it. Especially squat racks and bench press setups. They're like gold. There is no time at which no one is using or waiting to use a barbell.

    If you're in a place where there are few people on the weight floor or other places to bench, and you take half a minute of time and consideration to look around and determine that no one else is going to be wanting the bench any time soon, that's one thing. If you're in a crowded gym doing your non-benching thing on the only bench setup and pretending you didn't know anyone else was going to need to use it, that's a dick move, and the dickishness is in no way ameliorated by the fact that it's convenient for you. It was convenient for Martin Shkreli to jack up the price of lifesaving medications by thousands of percents too, and anyone who says it was therefore not a dick move is not someone who should be allowed to live around other people.

    As an aside, do you let people work in while you're doing your curls wherever you damn please? Because the guy at my gym wouldn't let me work in. It probably wasn't convenient for him. Also, he was curling the empty bar, literally ten feet away from an entire rack full of curl bars at or over 45 pounds.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Also, have a plan B in case at the beginning of the year your gym's equipment is occupied more than normal. Consider doing bodyweight workouts, isolation work (like flyes) etc.

    IMO it's a good idea to be familiar with several exercises that hit each muscle/muscle group - both machines and free weights. If I'm intending to do seated cable rows but somebody's using that machine, I'll grab a barbell and do bent rows, or use the t-bar row, or supported dumbbell rows. If somebody's using the bench press, I'll go grab dumbbells and do DB presses (or flyes), or even go into the machine section and use the chest press machine.

    It's good to have an established workout routine and stick to it as best you can - but it's not the end of the world if you have to change up an exercise every now and then. Your muscles aren't going to fall off if you do hack squat, leg press or split squats one day because the squat rack is occupied.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    Lmao. You actually just described my gym - three power racks, a squat rack, and a combination bench/squat rack. Except it works beautifully most of the time, because the squat rack is for curling and ohp/push press and everyone can actually ask to work in or how many sets are left. That and we all know how to drag a bench over to a power rack to bench in there.

    Sounds perfect. I bet I'd love working out there
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    edited December 2015
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    If you don't educate the noobs on gym etiquette you'll end up in a self-fulfilling cycle of them not following gym etiquette.

    That's an interesting perspective, and a useful one for gym owners, since it will lead me to use my workout time paying them so I can do Noob Education, instead of the other way around. But it doesn't in any way address my point, which is that it's completely reasonable to be annoyed at a voting adult who doesn't have enough self-awareness to realize that he's taking up the one set of dedicated bench press equipment in a crowded gym to do things that aren't bench pressing, and people shouldn't actually have to be obligated to ask him to stop doing it so they can bench.

    So you find a gym that's convenient to your work or home, the price is right, the equipment is right, and it's clean and all that. Hit sign up and see someone doing curls where you don't believe curls should be done......Aaaaaaand instead of using your words you air that gym and go to a much less convenient gym. Or poorly equipped. Or more expensive.

    That doesn't seem to make much sense to me
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    I take it you work out someplace with a ton of equipment. You're lucky. Have you ever been in a globo gym on Mondays after work, or any day of the week after work for the last two and first three months of the year? No piece of equipment in the weight area sits idle. If you want one, you better have reflexes like Bruce Lee and watch it like a hawk so you can snag it out from under the last person who was on it. Especially squat racks and bench press setups. They're like gold. There is no time at which no one is using or waiting to use a barbell.

    If you're in a place where there are few people on the weight floor or other places to bench, and you take half a minute of time and consideration to look around and determine that no one else is going to be wanting the bench any time soon, that's one thing. If you're in a crowded gym doing your non-benching thing on the only bench setup and pretending you didn't know anyone else was going to need to use it, that's a dick move, and the dickishness is in no way ameliorated by the fact that it's convenient for you. It was convenient for Martin Shkreli to jack up the price of lifesaving medications by thousands of percents too, and anyone who says it was therefore not a dick move is not someone who should be allowed to live around other people.

    As an aside, do you let people work in while you're doing your curls wherever you damn please? Because the guy at my gym wouldn't let me work in. It probably wasn't convenient for him. Also, he was curling the empty bar, literally ten feet away from an entire rack full of curl bars at or over 45 pounds.

    I've worked out in tiny hole in the wall gyms and in cavernous University find. What I've found universal is that if your want something, the best solution is to use your words and ask for it. That's pretty much the reason words exist.

    Shkreli? Really???
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    Lmao. You actually just described my gym - three power racks, a squat rack, and a combination bench/squat rack. Except it works beautifully most of the time, because the squat rack is for curling and ohp/push press and everyone can actually ask to work in or how many sets are left. That and we all know how to drag a bench over to a power rack to bench in there.

    Sounds perfect. I bet I'd love working out there

    I dunno. Can you handle no mirrors?
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    it's completely reasonable to be annoyed at a voting adult who doesn't have enough self-awareness to realize that he's taking up the one set of dedicated bench press equipment in a crowded gym to do things that aren't bench pressing

    The OP said the gym wasn't crowded. He didn't wait nearby or ask to work in, he ran around the track. Case dismissed. :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    Lmao. You actually just described my gym - three power racks, a squat rack, and a combination bench/squat rack. Except it works beautifully most of the time, because the squat rack is for curling and ohp/push press and everyone can actually ask to work in or how many sets are left. That and we all know how to drag a bench over to a power rack to bench in there.

    Sounds perfect. I bet I'd love working out there

    I dunno. Can you handle no mirrors?

    It's cool. I can always use my selfie stick to blow kisses at my biceps
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    Lmao. You actually just described my gym - three power racks, a squat rack, and a combination bench/squat rack. Except it works beautifully most of the time, because the squat rack is for curling and ohp/push press and everyone can actually ask to work in or how many sets are left. That and we all know how to drag a bench over to a power rack to bench in there.

    Sounds perfect. I bet I'd love working out there

    I dunno. Can you handle no mirrors?

    It's cool. I can always use my selfie stick to blow kisses at my biceps

    No no no. It's a benching gym. All about the triceps!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Also, have a plan B in case at the beginning of the year your gym's equipment is occupied more than normal. Consider doing bodyweight workouts, isolation work (like flyes) etc.

    IMO it's a good idea to be familiar with several exercises that hit each muscle/muscle group - both machines and free weights. If I'm intending to do seated cable rows but somebody's using that machine, I'll grab a barbell and do bent rows, or use the t-bar row, or supported dumbbell rows. If somebody's using the bench press, I'll go grab dumbbells and do DB presses (or flyes), or even go into the machine section and use the chest press machine.

    It's good to have an established workout routine and stick to it as best you can - but it's not the end of the world if you have to change up an exercise every now and then. Your muscles aren't going to fall off if you do hack squat, leg press or split squats one day because the squat rack is occupied.
    Absolutely. Part of the reason I do well as a trainer is because unlike some newbie trainers, I can modify whatever current workout I have for a client if equipment I intended to use is in use. And they truly appreciate it because they get more options for variety that they may have never tried on their own.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I just feel like someone should point out that the rudeness or inappropriateness of one person's behavior is in no way dependent on whether or not another person could have asked them to stop. Dick moves are dick moves; it's okay to be annoyed by them and it's unreasonable to pass the responsibility for that behavior off on the person who just wants to bench without having to educate every noob in the gym about something that should be pretty obvious.

    i curl wherever i want to curl. one person's dick move is another person's conveniently placed 155 pound curling barbell. if no one is using it at the time, i don't see where it benefits anyone to leave the space empty just in case some mute magically falls from the sky and needs to bench right that very second. if you think places to bench are limited, places to curl barbells efficiently and safely are even more limited. Most gyms don't actually have a lot of places to swing 8 foot barbells around that's not either in a walkway or in a station designed for something else. Even in a gym with an open floor area you'll have two problems. The people stretching or doing plyo will be annoyed by you dragging your barbell and plates over there and two, the people wishing to use the incline bench will be pissed that you stole their bar.

    also, unless my gym is named Powerlifters Paradise, having four squat racks and only one flat bench is an incredibly poorly equipped gym if normal people with normal lifting patterns are going there. Mondays after work have to be a nightmare.

    Lmao. You actually just described my gym - three power racks, a squat rack, and a combination bench/squat rack. Except it works beautifully most of the time, because the squat rack is for curling and ohp/push press and everyone can actually ask to work in or how many sets are left. That and we all know how to drag a bench over to a power rack to bench in there.

    Sounds perfect. I bet I'd love working out there

    I dunno. Can you handle no mirrors?

    It's cool. I can always use my selfie stick to blow kisses at my biceps

    No no no. It's a benching gym. All about the triceps!

    I take it all back. This gym sounds awful.

    *takes off curling gloves and heads towards exit*