


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I would vary the miles on different days like short runs on MWF medium on TT and a long on Sunday. As I worked up to the mileage I felt comfortable with 4.5 mi. 6.5 mi. and 10.5 mi. (I started only walking and built up very slow) I would use a running app on my phone to monitor my distance and pace. You start to compete with yourself to push a little to get a better time. You will start to memorize your time and pace at points on the route and you will say wow I am fast today.

    Not sure who this advice was targeted for. If it was the OP, I would not in any shape or form suggest to the OP who has only been running for 19 weeks, has a comfortable pace of 15 min/mi, and at most ran 3 miles to start running every day or 6 days a week. 3 maybe 4 days at most is sufficent. They just need to keep at it. Maybe later on they will able able to add more days a week.

    Your advice is excellent for a more experienced runner. And the rest of your advice are very good points to the OP.

  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    edited December 2015
    wrong quote
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Aed0416 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    OK! I didn't read every post on here but I didn't see something.

    What I am gathering is that you are doing a run/walk interval. Run a little bit then walk a bunch. Then run a little bit, then walk a bunch.....

    First thing I will suggest. When you do run, don't sprint. Don't run hard. Run about as slow as you can. Take little steps. Not big ones. Like literally make the steps shorter but quicker or just quick enough. Try to run at a pace that is conversational. Don't worry about pace. Just try to make the running part as long of a duration as you can even if the pace is just a little faster than your walking pace. Walk when you begin to get out of breath and begin running (slow pace) when your breathing becomes controlled again.

    Also, 6 min/mile pace is really fast. So that is not a realistic goal for you right now.

    What about when it's not the breathing but that I simply start to feel tired? I could run a greater distance (longest I've gone is 4 miles and that was at 9:30/mi ave.) I am adding distance each week but I've noticed it's not the breathing that feels overworked but rather in general I start to feel tired.
    There have been some really great and informative replies to this but I just wanted to add my bit. I run 4 days a week for caring distances and purposes. I have been running for years. But during every run, usually .75 miles in, I feel tired or my sock hurts or my knee feels weird or I'm cold or wish I had chosen a different jacket. I usually hit this mental place right before I get in the zone and focus on my run. It's possible this is more than just physical.
    I have every excuse in the book up until the first mile in, then I hit my stride and can run for what I feel like is for ever. Mentally and physically it feels like my whole body loosens up and drops the barriers