night snacks

My days always go extremely well and I stick to my plan 100%. Night snacking is what kills me.. the family makes holiday treats and desserts so I dont have any control in terms of having them in the house. I typically like to relax and read before bed and always end up giving into something that destroys my day of healthy eating. I have tried a lot of things but nothing works. Any ideas?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    What do you mean by destroy? I was 300 calories over today and don't considered my day DESTROYED. 300 calories...across the whole week.

    Are you snacking yourself into a surplus every night?

    But, to be helpful-have some of your own snacks pre-logged, or pre-log one/a portion of the treats everyone else is having. If you are finding throughout the day you just don't have room for the slice of pie, maybe you have 200 calories for some popcorn/yogurt/whatever you like.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    kel311990 wrote: »
    My days always go extremely well and I stick to my plan 100%. Night snacking is what kills me.. the family makes holiday treats and desserts so I dont have any control in terms of having them in the house. I typically like to relax and read before bed and always end up giving into something that destroys my day of healthy eating. I have tried a lot of things but nothing works. Any ideas?

    Define healthy. Those fats and sugars help fuel your body like everything else.

    Definitely pre-log. In my house, I look up the calories of the delicious thing I'm interested in, I pre log it and work the rest of my day around that. I also, usually, have to put my name on it or someone else will eat it... :grumble:
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    it really depends on you, how are you at compartmentalizing? I can write the holidays off easy because I know I can get back on track when they're done, but if these cookies stick around past christmas, best to plan some boundaries.

    Sometimes I'll put my acceptable snacks in a zip lock bag - pick ONE cookie and a small handful of nuts weighed out, or a piece of fruit, and then don't let yourself eat anything not in the bag.

    Sometimes I say "go to bed...go to bed...go to bed...." and...then I go to my bedroom and avoid.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Try planning some lower calorie snacks that you like to have instead. My two right now are popcorn and Greek yogurt.

    Which isn't to say that I'm swearing off all Christmas indulgence. I haven't. I'm just planning to stick with the evening of Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day.
  • kel311990
    kel311990 Posts: 6 Member
    I have popcorn a lot or oftentimes find that when I am seeking a snack I just need to call it a day and go to bed. The nights I do that, I wake up very content. But during the holidays I have trouble with that. For example, loads lf sweets in my home that Ill have even after my popcorn or whatever healthy choice I made. In a lot of ways it feels like a matter of willpower so it is depressing that I give in. I have work off which makes it harder, because the later I stay up the worse it is. Without the holidays and the food etc I normally do very well in terms of sleepinf and getting up at 5 to work out. i dont know why i cave in so much when it comes to desserts, but it is really really hard for me to have them around and unfortunately I dont have control over whats in the house due to my family. Anyone se struggle with that or have helpful ideas? I tend to be an all or nothing person and am very bad at moderating. I am better off cutting out sugar completely than having one cookie.