It's time

I have been battling my weight for a long long time.2 babies later I am the heaviest I have ever been 227 pounds at 5.6.i didn't think it was that bad lied to myself a lot until I went to the doctor last Tuesday and when receiving my paper work it said morbidly hit me like a train,so now I am here.trying since Tuesday I have put myself on a diet my goal is to loose 70 pounds.right now this seems impossible and me feeling embarrassed and like a failure doesn't help.hopefully this time around I can stick to it


  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    I'm also 5.6 and started out at 248. I've been overweight most of my life and started to change my life about 3 years ago. I'm currently 166 and am shooting to get down to 160 and see how I feel at that weight. It has taken me a long time, but I think I am healthier and have a better chance of keeping it off this way. I'm 57 years old, I figure better late than never. Just stick with it, you are going to look and feel so great!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It takes time. Do not go on a diet. That is not going to work. Just eat at a reasonable calorie deficit (let MFP do the math for you, initially) and eat food you normally eat, just a bit less. You can lose a few pounds right away, but they will mostly be water. If you stick to a sensible eating plan, and maybe throw in some exercise, you will lose 1 - 2 pounds a week in the beginning, tapering off to 1/2 - 1 pound per week as you reach normal BMI. This is the way to go if you want to stay healthy and keep the weight off afterwards.