Any new moms getting back in to working out?



  • unswin
    unswin Posts: 5 Member
    I just had my fifth baby about a month ago. She was a happy surprise but I wasn't happy with my weight when she was conceived and now I weigh even more. I was at about 210 lbs when she was born and now I'm at 185. I would love to eventually get down to about 150, or however much I weigh when I look and feel good and have some muscle. ;)

    Reading your stories is so inspiring to me - thanks for posting!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    unswin wrote: »
    I just had my fifth baby about a month ago. She was a happy surprise but I wasn't happy with my weight when she was conceived and now I weigh even more. I was at about 210 lbs when she was born and now I'm at 185. I would love to eventually get down to about 150, or however much I weigh when I look and feel good and have some muscle. ;)

    Reading your stories is so inspiring to me - thanks for posting!

    Jump away!! Welcome!!
    Wow 5 kids you are amazing!! I'm thinking my son might be an only child lol!!!
    Everyone is inspiring me also! I am ready to start the new year!!
  • DiamndMnd
    DiamndMnd Posts: 59 Member
    unswin wrote: »
    I just had my fifth baby about a month ago. She was a happy surprise but I wasn't happy with my weight when she was conceived and now I weigh even more. I was at about 210 lbs when she was born and now I'm at 185. I would love to eventually get down to about 150, or however much I weigh when I look and feel good and have some muscle. ;)

    Reading your stories is so inspiring to me - thanks for posting!

    Going through the pain 5 times! Wow. I would like a few babies but I need to forget about how painful it was! Lol although it is such an amazing experience and blessing. My baby boy is 6 weeks and every day I think about delivery and how amazing it was holding him for the first time!
  • Kyrenora
    Kyrenora Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there! My daughter was born a little over five months ago. I lost about 25lbs right off the bat, and then I started making excuses for myself. It was never the "right time" to exercise, and it was so easy to live off of Mac & Cheese and microwavable meals. I'm now back up to 200lbs and really feeling uncomfortable. Most of my life I was somewhere between 100lbs and 140lbs. I'm aiming to get back down to 140 (but lower would be good too).

    I dealt with Gestational Diabetes during my pregnancy, which was severe enough that I required insulin, so it's really important for me to get back to a healthy weight so I don't develop Type II Diabetes. I would also like to have another child in the future, but if I don't get this excess weight off, I'm extremely likely to get GD again.
  • FitShannonNicole
    I just had my fourth baby 2 months ago. He was also my fourth c-section. I am just now getting back into the swing of working out and a healthy diet. My stomach always is my biggest problem area (c-section is mostly to blame) so working out is a must for me to get it semi flat again. I'm also breastfeeding so right now it's not super hard to stay within my calories. I'm doing 30 day shred now, and once I finish that I will move on to T25. My profile pic is my progress from my last baby, I hope to have the same results this time! I'm 28 though and the weight gets harder and harder to lose with every baby.
  • ri091296
    ri091296 Posts: 25 Member
    Kyrenora wrote: »
    Hi there! My daughter was born a little over five months ago. I lost about 25lbs right off the bat, and then I started making excuses for myself. It was never the "right time" to exercise, and it was so easy to live off of Mac & Cheese and microwavable meals. I'm now back up to 200lbs and really feeling uncomfortable. Most of my life I was somewhere between 100lbs and 140lbs. I'm aiming to get back down to 140 (but lower would be good too).

    I dealt with Gestational Diabetes during my pregnancy, which was severe enough that I required insulin, so it's really important for me to get back to a healthy weight so I don't develop Type II Diabetes. I would also like to have another child in the future, but if I don't get this excess weight off, I'm extremely likely to get GD again.

    Hi, Im right there with you, not diabetic but put on bed rest at 5 months, which made regulating my weight gain ridicoulusly difficult, I gained 65 pounds.
    My daughter is seven months on the 20th, and I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight (130ish). I was overweight when I got pregnant, 175 lbs, I'm 5'7" 25 yrs old.
    Within the first month postpartum I went from 240 lbs to 190 lbs, just by breastfeeding. Well that was six months ago and I haven't managed to lose the remaining 15 lbs to get to pre pregnancy weight.
    She is a wonderful baby, is on a good sleeping/nap schedule, so I don't have any more excuses at this point.
    I really want to get fit to be a better me, a better mom, and a better wife.
    Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Oh, and go us new moms!! (For doing the most amazing thing, making a human being! )
  • Trracy
    Trracy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I had my baby on December 9th, and gained almost 50 lbs during the pregnancy. I'm now at a month post pardum, and lost about 18 lbs of that. But I'm really, really not happy with my weight. It all went to my thighs and belly (which I can deal with) but it also went to my face!

    Everybody wants to take photos of me with my baby, but I don't recognize the person in the photos. I burst into tears in front of my mother in law after she showed me a photo, because I looked absolutely AWFUL. She gave me a hug and said, "That's just how it goes when you become a mom."

    I don't know why, but that comment made me SO ANGRY. No. That doesn't have to be me. I had been eating so terribly during the last 2 months of my pregnancy - hamburgers, fries, milkshakes ... that after I had my son, it just became so much easier to eat crap this past month as opposed to buying things that are actually good for me and my baby. That was kind of the wake up call for me. So here I am!

    Any extra motivation I can get, I'm all about. Feel free to add me!

  • ri091296
    ri091296 Posts: 25 Member
    Trracy wrote: »
    Hi! I had my baby on December 9th, and gained almost 50 lbs during the pregnancy. I'm now at a month post pardum, and lost about 18 lbs of that. But I'm really, really not happy with my weight. It all went to my thighs and belly (which I can deal with) but it also went to my face!

    Everybody wants to take photos of me with my baby, but I don't recognize the person in the photos. I burst into tears in front of my mother in law after she showed me a photo, because I looked absolutely AWFUL. She gave me a hug and said, "That's just how it goes when you become a mom."

    I don't know why, but that comment made me SO ANGRY. No. That doesn't have to be me. I had been eating so terribly during the last 2 months of my pregnancy - hamburgers, fries, milkshakes ... that after I had my son, it just became so much easier to eat crap this past month as opposed to buying things that are actually good for me and my baby. That was kind of the wake up call for me. So here I am!

    Any extra motivation I can get, I'm all about. Feel free to add me!

    I get comments like that all the time too.. It makes me sick. Just because we become mothers doesn't give us a pass to stop taking care of ourselves. Hello?! Who cares for baby if we get sick?.. Exactly. . Still us.. nuff said