Ladies over 50!



  • Debmcd20
    Debmcd20 Posts: 3 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Mentally it can be easier to lose as we get older because we've lived with The weight longer, want to get rid of it more badly, know how to commit to a goal, are more aware of the health concerns, and just have more internal motivation. Forget all the chatter about whether or not it's harder. At my small fitness studio, I've earned a lot of respect from many younger people who've been bouncing up and down the same 10 pounds while I've dropped 120+.

    60 yo
    SW 301
    CW 178
    GW 150
    18 months

  • Debmcd20
    Debmcd20 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing success. Will you share with us your story on how you started your journey and stayed committed? I am sure all of us know the fundamentals of good eating and the benefits of exercise, it is the "choosing" part that suffers for me. Your thoughts?
  • jenboye
    jenboye Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm a return! I've been here before, but it was years ago (2). I've lost over 80lbs these past couple of years, but have gained 10 of it back :( Has anyone heard of the ketogenic diet before? I know it's used for epileptic children. I've done lots of research into it-- the pros and the cons. I started it last Saturday and I must say, it's working well for me so far. It's just so hard to wrap my head around all the fat one must consume to get the body to burn fat for fuel and not glucose (for me it's 69% of my total daily calories, the remaining are 26% protein and 5% carbs Oofda!). I have a scale that measures fat, water, muscle and bone density. I love it and right now, it's telling me that I've lost 1.2% of my fat. No lean muscle has been lost. I've lost a total of 4.5lbs (mostly water, I know) since Saturday ('tis now Wednesday). It seems to be working... so far. Any thoughts?
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    I am not familiar with the ketogenic diet but it sounds interesting. Please keep us updated with your progress.

    I'm thankful that today is just about over. Had to travel down to Boston for work and the traffic was a bear. It's like no one had ever driven in snow before. I had hoped to do my exercising outside but they still have not clear the snow off of the sidewalks so I road my stationary bike indoors. Hey at least I got some sort of exercise in.

    Hope everyone is having a great day
  • LeslieinOC
    LeslieinOC Posts: 14 Member
    Hi jenboy. I've been doing keto since mid December. I'm tweaking my macros to find what works best for me. I lost 2 lbs initially, but the scale hasn't moved up or down since. Except for a few days of eating sweets (my go to when I'm sad --my FIL passed away suddenly the day after Christmas), I've been doing well and feeling well. I think I was eating too much dairy initially. I'm only allowing 2 oz of cheese a day, plus 2T heavy cream in my coffee (will be cutting down each day to wean myself off). I also watched a video by Dr. Phinney on YouTube and added more leafy greens as a result. Anyway, good luck with keto!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Happy New Year to all of you. May this new year be the best in our weight loss goals!
  • MsDonaB
    MsDonaB Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, all! Happy New Year! I am claiming 2016 as MY YEAR!! I'm currently 51 years old, and my weight has crept back up since I started having some health issues in March. I am 5'5" and right now am at 203 lbs. with a goal of 150 lbs. I am 100% an emotional/stress eater, and 2015 has been an extremely stressful year. The high point was that I did a half marathon in February (95% walking, 5% jogging), which was the most difficult physical thing I have ever done, but I completed it and got my bling! After that, it was straight to he**. I started having health issues, which still have not been totally resolved, but involve my pancreas. Then, on October 1st, my world was turned upside down when my husband of 31 years was diagnosed with Stage 2 colorectal cancer. Since then, he has been through 5 weeks of chemo and radiation, and we will be facing surgery within the next few weeks. To say the least, I have not been eating well or exercising at all. My goals for this year are:

    1. To be the best supporter and caregiver I can to my husband as he goes through surgery and the follow-up chemo & recovery.
    2. To treat myself better by eating a healthier diet (not striving for perfection, but definitely for major improvement)
    3. To treat myself better by getting at least 30 minutes of movement each day (starting with walking both at home and at work)
    4. To drink a minimum of 60 ounces of water per day (to some, that's not much but currently I don't drink water much at all)
    5. To use resources such as MFP and the boards to get encouragement and guidance

    I have to take care of myself in order to be able to take care of my husband!

    My MFP is set at 1300 calories per day (was originally at 1200 but I upped it for the first few weeks). While I love lifting weights and working out hard, I need to start out with walking and build back up - would love to get to the point where I could do CrossFit-style workouts again, and maybe do the half-marathon again in February of 2017 and better my time.

    Sorry for the long post, but I just happened on the boards again after a long absence, and decided I needed to put my thoughts and goals in writing! Wishing everyone a happy (and safe) New Year!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy New Year!! :grin:

    Welcome everyone new, we're all very fortunate to be a part of this community. :heart:

    January 1 Self-care notes:
    :| I admit I'm not immune to old habits.
    :* Thought I was out of the woods, but the truth is, I haven't really changed.
    :angry: I eat too much and I still snack like crazy at times.
    :( I became lazy with counting calories, and guess what? Yep. Weight gain.

    Therefore, TODAY I am accepting reality and letting myself ease into a serious mindset.

    The flame is a little dim, but it's still burning!

    jb o:)

  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    jb_2011 wrote: »
    Happy New Year!! :grin:

    Welcome everyone new, we're all very fortunate to be a part of this community. :heart:

    January 1 Self-care notes:
    :| I admit I'm not immune to old habits.
    :* Thought I was out of the woods, but the truth is, I haven't really changed.
    :angry: I eat too much and I still snack like crazy at times.
    :( I became lazy with counting calories, and guess what? Yep. Weight gain.

    Therefore, TODAY I am accepting reality and letting myself ease into a serious mindset.

    The flame is a little dim, but it's still burning!

    jb o:)

    Great self analysis jb, I can relate. I struggle all the time with old habits!
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Okay, I am back from visiting the folks and I did what I said I'd do which is keep track of what I eat which helped a lot I think.

    I ate a lot less than I usually do and am amazed at how many calories a holiday dinner with no extra helpings can be. Wow. No wonder I have had so much weight gain. It was really nice not to feel that "I really over-ate last night" feeling upon waking in the morning.

    And it all paid off. Amazingly I have not gained any weight! So overall I lost 6 lbs in December! That's with my birthday and the holidays. I feel so good about it, and it gives me hope for this year.

    So, I am sticking to the formula, a high nutrient shake for breakfast everyday. And count calories the rest of the time, eat what I want within calorie goal.

    Cheers everyone! Have a fantastic and successful New year!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Snowy, wow! Great report. :smile: Congrats on the 6 lbs for Dec!! It not only gives YOU hope for the future, it gives ME hope! Thanks, and Happy New Year!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    MsDonaB: Glad you found our group. Thanking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do to help yourself and your husband. I'm sorry to hear what he is going through. Hopefully this surgery and next round of chemotherapy and radiation is just what is needed to get him on the road back to good health. Let us know how we can be of support for you.

    Snow: I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday and have followed through with your desire to get back to your program. Wow on the great weight loss this past month!

    JB: Great self analysis. Glad your flame is still burning bright. Keep up with your goals and it will only get brighter.

    Today my husband and I started training for our up coming hikes this summer on the Appalachian Trail. I am hoping we will be able to get out for a minimum of 4 - five day hikes. Last year was the first time since I was in my late teens where I went on overnight hikes. I am really happy we chose to get back into it. I love to hike and boy do you burn a lot of calories doing it! What an added bonus.

    I hope everyone is having a great day.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning all.

    Just wanted to share my blog post from yesterday. I've been doing lots of thinking lately about the meaning of "success". I'm ready to move forward :)

    "Simple Success"

    In the dawn of a new year, I ask myself how serious I am about being successful. Am I willing to make a plan and really stick to it? Will I rejoice in the success of a daily routine and give myself a good pat on the back on a regular basis?

    Success is being happy with myself, proud of myself, and never forgetting that I have the ability to make changes that will last for the rest of my life. Success breeds more happy success. On the contrary, failure breeds contempt, disgust, hopelessness and, well, more failure.

    I have to choose which way I want my year to go. Pleasant and simple? Or disgruntled and struggling? I've seriously had enough of the latter. Can I moved towards simplicity instead of turning everything into an insanely complex ordeal?

    I have one hell of a time trying to work through some issues in life - it seems I look at certain things as incredibly difficult challenges which in turn causes me to doubt that I can ever achieve them.

    I'm reminding myself that success is actually quite simple.

    Hello 2016.

    jb in snowy Portland B)
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Remember to just put one step in front of the other in the right direction and you shall succeed, no matter how small.
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing? Are you on point with your goals or have you run into some snags? Let's share and give encouragement or praise where it is needed or deserved.

    My goal this month is to exercise 3-4 times per week. So far I am on point!


  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    Please friend me as well. I'm a 58 year old grandmother raising one of my grandchildren, who's 7. We have great fun together. I don't have much of a social life as I am disabled by Arthritis. I must also lose as much as I can to help my poor joints. I started in November at 199.6 pounds. This scared me to action. Its not easy because I also battle long standing MDD. I now have lost 11 pounds. Not so much, but its a start!
    Hi I raised my eldest granddaughter from 2 months old! Now she is 32 in March and has a hubby and son of her own. I too am disabled with arthritis in nearly every joint! Plus I have high blood pressure and angina! I find it hard to exercise! B)
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    dia_nruf wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday everyone. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing? Are you on point with your goals or have you run into some snags? Let's share and give encouragement or praise where it is needed or deserved.

    My goal this month is to exercise 3-4 times per week. So far I am on point!


    Hi Beth

    Congratulations on keeping yourself on point, great work!

    Thanks for checking in with us. I feel really good about having achieved my goal of losing a total of 10lbs over the five weeks I have been doing MFP, despite a few calorie dense days in the holidays.

    I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time that I may be on my way to a successful weight loss but also scared to feel hopeful because of that many times I have lost some weight then gained it back.

    Somehow in the past I would get derailed after a successful beginning and lose this feeling of commitment and control over my eating habits. I just don't want to disappoint myself again.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Snowy, the whole point of this exercise is not only losing weight, but learning how to maintain healthier eating habits for the rest of our lives. Try to look at it that way rather than just a temporary diet. But I totally get where you're coming from...I did disappoint myself by gaining a little weight back over the last 3 years, which has recently required some intense soul searching as to why I let it happen. I became lazy with counting calories, bottom line. I didn't want to accept the fact that keeping track was imperative. Got too big for my britches, as the saying goes, and now, yes indeed, my clothes are all too tight!

    I'm still down 45 pounds from my original start weight, so I'm grabbing onto the positives and working at pushing away negative thoughts like Fear and Doubt. Keeping a good mental attitude is so important. That's what I'm working on now - being happy with myself, staying on the positive side, congratulating myself for little successes, and even buying myself little gifts.

    I've been trying to figure this out for the longest time - I've come to the conclusion that I forget to like myself! I pay attention to everything and everyone else in my life, why not ME? At 61 years old I'm just learning this?? Ha. Ain't life grand. :smiley:

    Beth, thanks for checking in. I'm doing lots better. o:)


  • bcovely
    bcovely Posts: 57 Member
    I just turned 50 on Christmas. I was on the losing track, then gained 10 pounds back 2 years ago and just can't get motivated. Looking to lose 25 pounds....anyone interested in being friends, please feel free to friend me.
  • Canevagirl
    Canevagirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I just started again on 1/4/16. I am 55 and want to lose 20 pounds. I am 5'4" 169. I need support to help me remain motivated.