Trying to lose to avoid bariatric surgery

I don't really know where to begin other than I'm morbidly obese and going through a series of appointments for bariatric surgery.
I hate surgery! I'm trying to avoid it by losing weight and toning beforehand just to see if I can, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to weightloss. I've actually lost 9 lbs so far but I went from sedentary and pigging out to a stationary bike and counting calories everyday.
I'm 36 and have been trying to get pregnant for 4 months. No luck and it's probably due to my weight. My youngest is 11, my oldest, 14, from a previous marriage. After my divorce and meeting someone new I gained another 30 pounds.
I'm miserable, bitter about it, and hate doing anything that involves being noticed. I need help. I'm hoping to avoid surgery and the change required afterwards. AND THE LOOSE SKIN!!! I always thought I could do this myself but I don't know anymore. Maybe I need surgery.
Either way I can't wait to go shopping for clothes that actually fit! And to fit comfortably in office chairs or fit in a bath towel completely! Baby steps!! I have such a long story about my weight so anything else, just ask. :)

Any advice from fellow fitness pals???


  • MandyVSG
    MandyVSG Posts: 46 Member
    I got the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy a little over a week ago. It was the right decision for me because I've tried so many diets and lifestyle changes but nothing would stick and I needed to do something to prevent health problems I am generically predisposed to. This surgery is just a tool and it won't fix any emotional issues you have with food. It's still a battle and you have to work for it. As far a skin, you may not have that much. It all depends on your genetics, but if you are looking to lose weight anyway, wouldn't your still have loose skin no matter how you did it? I've seen people lose weight without surgery and have loose skin and I've seen people worry surgery have none. You can only do your best with the toning and exercise. This is not meant to convince to dissuade you from surgery, I just wanted to give my two cents since I have already had surgery. Best of luck in your decision!
  • MBentley79
    MBentley79 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you! I'm truly clueless in all aspects. I have quite a few friends who had the surgery and all said they would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm nervous and excited at the same time because I haven't been thin since the 3rd grade! What will it be like??? Wow!
    And thank you for reminding me that surgery is a tool because you're right, it's there to help me.
    I've watched so many YouTube videos on gastric bypass trying to educate myself. Loose skin was the only regret but it was never enough to make them regret having the surgery.
    Good luck in your journey. Stay in touch!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Realize that if you get gastric bypass, you'll NEVER eat the same way again. There will definitely be foods that you enjoy that you may never get to eat again. Don't take it lightly. You SHOULD be consulting with a therapist to help you decide if this is something you REALLY want to do because it's not reversible.
    Biggest issues I've encountered with people who do GB is that MENTALLY they weren't prepared and while they can't give up food, they opt for another go to: alcohol, gambling, etc. to substitute for eating away their emotions.
    Step back and reassess. Weight can be lost without it as there are many successful stories here and other places. It just takes time to do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
