I need advice, please!

Ok, here goes...I am about 70 pounds overweight. I need advice about how to stay on track with eating right. I love sweets. I have good intentions, but fall off the wagon very easily. I certainly don't want to sound foolish by asking, but I really need advice. Thanks so much!


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    You can eat sweets. I've lost 26 kg since April eating a varied diet, exercising, and making room in my calorie allowance for alcohol and dessert pretty much every day.

    Exercising lets you eat more (you get to eat back those calories generally), but you can still lose weight without exercising.

    Make sure your weekly goal isn't overly aggressive.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    If you've set your goal to 1.5 lbs / week you should have enough calories to work with.

    A lot of people think they have a gun to their head and aim for 2 lbs a week when they have 10 lbs to lose. Then they wonder why they're starving and "overeating".

    Weight loss is slower the closer you get to your goal.

    It's easier if you don't place unnecessary restrictions on yourself like depriving yourself of things you love.

    I eat all the food I love. I just eat a bit less of them.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    To be honest, when I started, I didn't have any in the house. At some point, for me, a switch seemed to flip and I have slowly begun bringing in the foods I used to go nuts on (ice cream was a big one, cereal was another). I discovered that I actually can have one serving and walk away. I think it also helped that I refused to eat at the 1200 mark. I was too hungry and cranky and constantly thinking about food. With a slightly less aggressive goal, focus on filling foods (proteins, fats to keep me full longer, and veggies for volume), I can fit in the treats and not feel deprived or like I need to go hungry to fit it in.
  • Asianbutterflies
    Asianbutterflies Posts: 62 Member
    I come from a family of diabetics. So we would use the artificial sweeteners Splenda was always the best. My mom would always make sure to have the sugar free candy for my dad and herself. When my mom lost a lot of weight her diabetes obsolved itself she never had to take anymore medicine. However my dad I did. It was hard for him to give up his candy and has white rice. I however have always been the take it or leave it when it comes to candy and sweets and sugar but every now and then I get a craving for it too I continued to practice sugar free and fat free candies or ice cream or frozen yogurt. I sometimes try to eat as if I were a diabetic so that I can refrain from all the refined sugar intake. When my ex husband became diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes I did a complete overhaul in our kitchen when completely brown rice and multi grain pasta but after we divorced I had so much of it I didn't want to waste it so I just continue to eat it. Then I decided to make a change for myself. I've also continue to use brown rice and whole wheat pasta it does take some getting used to but with enough seasoning things can turn out just as good. If you like yogurt that's a good substitute for things that are sweet the Greek yogurt that are coming out really good and are healthy. I think it's all about what satisfies your sweet tooth and if you can find a healthy snack to do that and definitely stick with it.
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    I found logging my whole day's food at the start of the day helps. I put in my meals and then I can see what I have for snack calories left over. I love an evening glass of wine with a savory snack (junk food snack... apps from the frozen aisle at the grocery store- not healthy but so yummy!). I almost never have to give that up with planning at the beginning of the day. I'm down to my last 5 pounds to lose so I'm losing at half a pound a week or less at this point, which helps too. But remember it's not a race so there is no need to set your weekly weight loss goal high. A pound a week would give you a nice calorie limit and make it less likely that you'd feel deprived.
  • kennagif
    kennagif Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I love sweets soooo much, but now I have blood sugar problems (at a great BMI, btw) so I can't have them like I'd like. I try to keep just small portions and have things that can be satisfying within limited carb amounts (or calories, for you). So some are out of the house completely unless it's a very special occasion. Others stay around for small snacks.

    It's still hard to dole them out. I like to dole out all I'm allowed the day before and then put them far, far away. If it's a bad day (period time, for instance), I'll put them out in the car if it's cold weather, lol. Or ask someone to hide them for me, seriously. Hey, it works, so I have no shame ;)

    A tub of ice cream would be really hard for me to keep in the freezer. I do have a convenience store right up the road where I've been known to get single-serving-only ice cream items. If they aren't around, it's not such a problem for me. I have to eat an apple or something instead, even if I really wouldn't have before, lol.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    First, find out which category you are in: 1) I love sweets, and I'll feel miserable if I can't have some every day, it doesn't have to be much, but I need a tiny something after dinner! or 2) I love sweets, and I just can't get enough; if I have some, I want more and more and I'll eat until there's nothing left, and then I'll feel miserable; I don't really care for it, but the expectations and taste makes me go nuts. If 1 - add it to your food journal beforehand, and weigh out a portion, close the bag and put it back in the cupboard. If 2 - don't put it on your shopping list, don't buy it, and wait for special occasions when someone offers it to you, serve yourself a reasonable portion and enjoy it.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    If there's some kind of treat that I know I really want that day, I'll pre-log it in the a.m. so I'm sure to fit it in my calorie allowance. Then all day I can look forward to that treat, which helps me say no to all of the other temptations that present themselves throughout the day.

    For example, I have a bag of lindor truffles at home, and I know I'll have 2 or 3 this evening as a late night snack. This makes it easier to avoid the tub of caramel popcorn one of our contractors sent to the office.

    Just think about what you really like more than anything, and plan a small treat for later.