Help losing weight and keeping motivation

So little bit about me, I've had a bit of a tummy my whole life. But recently it's gotten out of hand and I'm ready to buckle down and lose this weight. In the past few years my weight has fluctuated in a 5 pound radius. I'd like to break free of that and begin shedding pounds. My problem is I always get side tracked and stop exercising or get discouraged and over-eat. I'd like a buddy or just some support. My overall weight loss goal is 80 pounds, but it's not so much about the number, but rather my health and overall confidence. Anyone is welcome to join!!! I'd love to hear from you all!


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Patience and consistency :) Choose a deficit that's not too hard and forgive lapses instead of getting discouraged. If you stop exercising, adjust your calories and keep on. It'll take a while, but the more patience you have, the easier it'll be, imho.
  • LBL1986
    LBL1986 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! *waves*

    I'm rather new here too. Just 3 weeks into my journey so I totally understand what its like in the beginning. I'm trying to find my footing too. MFP is a really great tool. I've used it before but this time I'm trying to be active in connecting with people and I'm noticing that is making a bit of a difference in terms of staying on track.

    Feel free to add me!
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    I believe you can do it! Ive only got half to lose of what youre trying to, but i know with a little determination and dedication we can make it.
  • fatfuvk
    fatfuvk Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for being so supportive and helpt me realise we all slip up sometimes.