Looking for similar friends!

Hello! I'm looking for friends that have similarities to me. I'm just starting out on my fitness/health journey, and I'd love to have a few friends to/for support along the way. When you add me, please include in the message what we have in common/why you want to be friends. I will not accept requests without a message. I promise I'm nice! I just want to slowly increase my friends and actually know a bit about each person.

Female, 5'8", 31 years old
Starting Weight: 240
Current Weight: 230
Goal Weight: 150

I'm from the Midwest, and I'm a middle school teacher. I have a very spunky 4-year-old (who will remain an only child.)

For the past month, I've became a morning exerciser. I workout in my basement using fitness videos at 5:00 AM - mostly circuit, weight training, step aerobics. I LOVE Cathe Friedrich workouts. I actually follow her monthly rotations. I'm not a runner and not really interested in becoming one.


  • kikilieb3
    kikilieb3 Posts: 19 Member
    I'll add you!

    I'm 39
    Starting weight: 233
    Current weight: 252 :(
    Goal weight: 179

    I ride bike and do aerobics. I want to start back on weight training like I did a few years ago, but I'm waiting on that one, just getting some of this weight off is my first goal. I don't want to do "too much too soon".

    My blood pressure has been high the past few months, so my doc is giving me four months to lose weight and get the bp down, or i'll have to go on meds.

    Here's to a new year and a new us!