Looking for similar friends!

Hello! I'm looking for friends that have similarities to me. I'm just starting out on my fitness/health journey, and I'd love to have a few friends to/for support along the way. When you add me, please include in the message what we have in common/why you want to be friends. I will not accept requests without a message. I promise I'm nice! I just want to slowly increase my friends and actually know a bit about each person.

Female, 5'8", 31 years old
Starting Weight: 240
Current Weight: 230
Goal Weight: 150

I'm from the Midwest, and I'm a middle school teacher. I have a very spunky 4-year-old (who will remain an only child.)

For the past month, I've became a morning exerciser. I workout in my basement using fitness videos at 5:00 AM - mostly circuit, weight training, step aerobics. I LOVE Cathe Friedrich workouts. I actually follow her monthly rotations. I'm not a runner and not really interested in becoming one.