A simple approach

Hi. Been using MFP for a year or so now. Initially to lose weight and now I use it to maintain my weight and keep me on track.
Before starting weight loss I was like so many others and looked into all these wonderful diets and excercise regimes that claimed to make you thin just by drinking some foul tasting gunk or having a tofu suppository 4 times a day! But clearly none worked and the tofu hurt too much anyway!
So I took a very simple approach. Don't put in more than you give out. Easy peasy.
I took to my bike and rode around the countryside for a bit, then decided to ride to work and now each day I burn off almost 1500 calories. On top of my 1467 allowance that means I can eat what I want (within reason) and still shed a pound a week.
I still eat pizza, chips (fries) crisps (chips...still with me?) kebabs, ice cream and all the other junk. But here's the important point that I found helps.
Don't snack on what you haven't planned. i.e. don't pop into the shop for a choccie bar. That will only lead to more visits. Take with you what you need for the day. Don't eat after 8pm. Better to go to bed slighlty peckish then full and bloated. After 8pm drink water, tea or diet carbonated drinks. These will fill you up and probably make you fart a lot, but we all love a good one every now and then don't we?
Ignore these wonderful ideas and new fads. You will go mad trying to keep to them. Don't worry about detoxing the body because you can't. Everything we eat, drink and breath has additives and preservatives in it so although you can reduce the level of microwave meals etc, don't panic if you have a diet coke.
I took the panic out of my regime and it made me relax. I stopped looking up "Why have I stopped losing weight?" "Have I reached a plateau?" etc and just took it simple.
If I went over one day I didn't fuss because I knew that another day I'd be well under and this approach started to speed up my motabolism to the point that I could spend a weekend at parties and get back to my normal routine on Monday.
So take a simple approach to this. Don't look for 'super foods' or foods that soak up fat. Just don't put in more than you put out and everything will be fine.
(Oh, and be honest! Don't think that those 2 bananas don't count because they're fruit. They do so put them on.)

Good luck

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • ManjKA
    ManjKA Posts: 35
    simple approach sounds good!
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    You have the RIGHT IDEA!
  • cynthiapick
    cynthiapick Posts: 49 Member
    I like the sound of your simple approach, but I feel like I am a long way of yet. I have just started with MFP and I have got a long way to go. so I am watching every step and every calorie. still feeling very tense about it all
    But, well done anyway
  • quietjulie
    Nice post-- Just getting started myself, and have spent way too many years 'obsessing' over food and exercise. I think the middle path is the simple path, and also the sane path.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    This is exactly the way I went about making my lifestyle change! I never tried any of the fav diets, pills or drinks, and am thankful I never tried the tofu plan (LOL). Tracking calories and insuring that you put out more than you take in is the key to losing or maintaining weight! Nice post!
  • wagtail685
    I'm so glad that others have adopted this approach. But this isn't one that you need time to get into, it's starts now. For those just beginning with MFP if you try this very simple and straightforward approach then it eases you into the lifestyle change without the 'shock' of one day eating pizza and burgers and the next eating steamed veg, chicken and humous. (Eurgh!)
    Although there's nothing wrong with that I should add. You'll end up changing the way you eat without realising it and slowly change what you eat as you become fitter, lighter and more experienced.
    One of the biggest problems with dieting is the sudden change in food. It makes you crave what you are told you can no longer have. If you want a whole pizza for dinner then go out and earn 800-1000 calories riding your bike moderately fast for 90 minutes or so. Then come home and eat a whole damn thin crust pepperoni pizza for dinner if you want.
    For my dinner today I had 2 hotdogs and fries. But I earned it.
  • wagtail685
    Thanks. And awesome weight loss, well done