Here we go again...

Hi everyone!This is not my first time using Myfitnesspal,Infact I've used it quite a bit in the past but I'm determined to give it another try.
I am your typical yo yo dieter.I lost just under 4 stone doing slimming world but have put almost 2 stone of it back on.Decided that the only way I can take control of my weight is by eating the foods I want but doing it sensibly.This app will allow me the freedom to eat as I please but keeping track of my calories.No more dieting!
I am starting today,not waiting until after the new year as I have a feeling if I don't start now,I never will.
I am look forward to getting the healthy me back again :)


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You can do it. Just don't give up.
    I started before the new year which I believe is a good idea and you can still enjoy the holidays
  • kimbobbers26
    kimbobbers26 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you!
  • joannedawn2015
    joannedawn2015 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started myself last Thursday, I agree eat the foods u enjoy we do much better losing that way. I've done slimming world and weight watchers don't work for me. We just have to stick to r calorie allowance. Good luck. :)
  • francois_
    francois_ Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Kim, this is my second time around as well, just coming back from another injury. Was on MFP for a year. Support groups are important. Build a team with lots of positive energy. We cheer for eachother during the good days and pick eachother up during the bad....which seem to outnumber the good :-/ Or we turn to the team when we feel like raiding the refridgerator, or chat when we're bored instead of chatting with a slice of cake. So if you're looking to go at it again with a fresh new team, feel free to add me :-)
  • Hippiedad
    Hippiedad Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds like your off to a fine start.