How does my meal plan look?

Here is a link to a meal plan I will be working to over the next 2-3 months. What are your thoughts. I am 5 4 and weigh 140lbs. I will be training to lose fat and gain muscle. (3 hrs weight training and 1 cardio workout a week. all 1hr long)

file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/mcurran/Desktop/meal%20planner/Meal%20Plan.docx (copy link and paste into top search bar. Do not paste into google search as this will not work)


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1 - the link is to a file on yoru computer... we can't get there/see it.
    2 - you'll have little success gaining muscle while burning fat. I suggest you pick 1 goal to focus on, or expect very slow progress.

    If your meal plan has a reasonable number of calories and sufficient protein, you should be fine.