Fighting those last ten pounds



  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    This is truly amazing how many of us are fighting the same fight! I am so happy I posted this, and so grateful to each of you for sharing. I think if we stick together, we can get rid of these last ten (vanity lbs) or at least change our bodies into something healthier and stronger.

    I am now going to measure my waist, hips, butt, and thighs and use that as a way to see progress :)
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    Yes, I am in that last 12-17 pounds. I started at a 2 pound weight loss a week. And the last month I have slowed to 1 pound a week lost.

    I am happy with that, because I am comfortable where I am, so even if it takes 3 months to get to goal, I am not hating my body now. Every pound lost is icing on the cake for me now. :)

    I am expecting to be at my ultimate goal which is 135 by the end of the year and no sooner. I know it is much harder at the end, and I am fine with that.

    I love your attitude!! You've lost so much, I'm sure you will reach that goal in no time :)
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    I was wondering if there were anyone else out there who also is trying to lose those pesky last ten? I've lost five a few months ago, got over sure of myself, and have now gained them right back.

    I am looking for "friends" who are also in this situation and hoping we can motivate, help, and be there for support for each other. :)

    I am lucky that i still manage to loose 10 pounds a month! :)
  • fotoula242
    fotoula242 Posts: 3 Member
    Interesting how common that is. Those last stubborn 10 pounds. I'm in the same situation, where I have been trying for the last few years to lose that extra weight. Sometimes there are other factors to consider, like health related issues. For myself, half of my thyroid was removed and it's been since then (3 years ago) that losing weight has been the most difficult, even though I am on medication. Losing the weight is a battle and struggle, but it's a lifestyle change. Eating healthy and exercising, they both go hand in hand. Good luck to us all, we just have to stay determined and focused and not give-up. WE CAN DO IT!
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I sort of am. I have been wanting to lose 10 pounds for the last year. I can't get too upset though, because I'm not really that diligent about calorie counting. I sort of guess, and shrug if I want to eat something unhealthy. I am guessing most days I'm at a deficit, but like a deficit of 100-200 calories, so it is slow going. Even though I've not really lost much weight, I have been making healthier choices and working out more and more, so I feel better, even if it's not that noticeable.
  • jstika
    jstika Posts: 18 Member
    I have about 10 to go, but I drink too much beer (I'm a homebrewer). It'll come off eventually. Just keep working at it! Mix up your exercising too, I'm finding that helpful for me as I've recently started running again. I already bike commute and go for long rides after work. Been running some unpaved trails we have here, they're awesome and hilly. Definitely a good work out.
  • steph268
    steph268 Posts: 24 Member
    I have about 10 to go, but I drink too much beer (I'm a homebrewer). It'll come off eventually. Just keep working at it! Mix up your exercising too, I'm finding that helpful for me as I've recently started running again. I already bike commute and go for long rides after work. Been running some unpaved trails we have here, they're awesome and hilly. Definitely a good work out.

    This is me too! We are also homebrewers! But, I have managed to stay off beer for the last two weeks, and I'm going to make it through one more weekend, I swear!

    I also had lost five, and then injured my shoulder and was traveling for work all through May which, of course, led to sitting at the bar at the hotel drinking and eating instead of working out and watching calories, so now I'm back to really needing to lose 10, and I would like it to be more 12. We are leaving for Maui August 27, and I need to do some shopping for clothes before then, so I feel like I'm in a race now. I just really don't want to feel fat while I'm in Hawaii!
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    My weight is like cemented...does not move up but unfortunately down neither. :(
    We'll have to work twice as hard to get rid of few extra kilos, stay strong! This group is GREAT idea and I wish to contribute some secret weapons that hopefully work for me and maybe for someone else.

    1. a glass of water before every meal, green tea in the morning
    2. enough proteins every single day - best with food, but a scoop of whey does not hurt :)
    3 2 workouts per day: 1 cardio, 1strength/weight
    4. zero or minimum processed food - I prepare my own meals with basic ingredients
    5. zero sugar in tea, coffe, deserts - sugar is in the produce
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    Trying to lose my first (and last) ten! I was doing well and within a pound of my goal. Then last week I put on 2.5 lbs just like that. Those last lbs are much harder to come off. Would love motivation and support, please add me!
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    You can definitely add me too! I have 8 1/2 pounds to lose and it seems like I have been gaining and losing the same three pounds for the last two months. It is crazy!!!
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I want to lose 17 more pounds. It is definitely slow going. In fact this entire process has been...
  • bugginmary
    bugginmary Posts: 44 Member
    I've been fighting to lose those last 10 lbs of baby weight. Once I lose that, I want to go for more. :)
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Add me to. In my 40's and trying to lose 10-15lbs without any success. have been at it since January and NOTHING!!!! RRRRGH!
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    Seems like we are all in the same fight, and with helping each other and motivating each other, there should be no reason why we don't lose this.

    It will take time, there will be weeks I know where no weight will drop, but there is also no hurry. As long as we learn, eat right, move our bodies most days of the week and feel healthy, I think those are goals to aim for :)