My exercise routine (beginners level)

GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member
edited November 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everybody,

Thought I'd share what's working for me to tone up and get cardio in my busy day. It's suitable for beginners. My best purchase was hand weights and a rebound trampette. (Google rebounding exercises -great for detoxing lymph system). I also use the Emily Skye Daily Workout app for ideas to tone arms legs abs etc, download it coz it's FREE!

Exercise Plan:

Rebound 2min warm up
Squats 15x plus 2min legs
Rebound 4min
Arms 2min
Rebound 4min
Abs 2min
Rebound 4min
Walk room to cool down 2min
Stretch out

Repeat 2x per day, tick when done

Emily Skye routine x 1, tick wh
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