Tips on loosing 50 pounds .

Recently I've been on a life style change . I have cutt back on all the crap in my life such as soda and fast food . I eat in moderation now , and I run/walk at least 4 times a week. I lost 0.04 on my week weigh in which made me so mad but just told me I had to keep going even though I was thinking in my head how much of a loser I am for not even loosing a single pound but only 0.04 like not even HALF a pound . I currently weigh 241.8 . I am 5'9 and 18 years old . Any advice/tips please ?! Not looking for crash diets or any major restrictions... I need something for a life time Thanks !


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Hi! Welcome. How many calories are you eating? How are you measuring them? I know it sounds like a simple question but one of the reasons people don't see results is inaccurate logging. Use a food scale for all solids (even prepackaged stuff, like a package of oatmeal, the package often has more than the label says), and make sure that you have the correct entry on the database (these are mostly user entered and are often inaccurate). Read the posts at the top of this forum and the getting started forums titled Most Helpful Posts, start with the ones on logging accurately, and then look at the ones on exercise burns and eating those calories back. It can take some time to really figure out the right balance for you. Some foods are more filling than others, but you have the right idea to not deprive yourself. Another really important thing is to be patient. Weight loss is not linear. You will have ups and downs. Water retention is one of the biggest confounding variables in weight loss. Too much sodium - water retention, close to TOM - water retention, new exercise routine - water retention.

    In summary, be consistent, be persistent, and be patient. Add some friends for support. Take before pictures and compare them with new ones along the way (I am down nearly 40lbs, can't see the difference in the mirror, but can see it in pictures). Use a measuring tape for additional metrics. The scale is a liar.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Take 25-30 weeks to lose one pound a week. Weigh your food for accuracy and don't exceed your recommended calorie intake. Also BE CONSISTENT. Any days you aren't count toward your ultimate goal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • I know how that feels! It takes me ages to see a difference on the scale!
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    Keep it simple, accurately weigh both yourself and your food, be honest in your logging, and let calories in vs calories out do it's work. The weight *will* come off.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,446 Member
    edited December 2015
    Enter your information into MFP.
    Set yourself as sedentary.
    Select a loss of 1 lb/week.
    Look at the number of calories MFP gives you.

    Weigh, measure, and log all your food so that you are sure you are accurately recording your calories. They need to be at or just very slightly below the maximum number of calories MFP gave you.

    Stick with it, and you'll lose weight.

    But note that 1 lb/week will take almost a year.

    Just a question ... did you lose 0.04 lbs? My scale doesn't record to that level of detail (two decimal points). Or did you lose 0.4 lbs (almost half a pound)?
  • hookahbinx
    hookahbinx Posts: 74 Member
    Add me. Message me
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    As said, keep it simple. Set MFP to a 1lb/week goal, eat that every day, eat back exercise calories. Weigh your food, measure your liquids, don't lie to yourself.

    Consistency and perseverance are key. Realize that some days you'll eat at maintenance (or even slightly over) and that is ok, just get back on the program.

    I just went 10 days with no change in weight (went up, then back down to the same weight) despite trying to lose 1lb/week. Just this morning I was finally down 0.9lb.
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 841 Member
    Remember that one week won't make you or break you. As long as the trend of your weight is going down, it doesn't matter whether you're losing half a pound or five pounds each week. I've lost 20 some-odd pounds within the last year and I've learned a lot from that process. Now, I feel as though I'm better prepared for committing fully to a healthy lifestyle and that would have never happened without some setbacks along the way.

    Discover food that you enjoy. Learn how to cook, experiment with recipes, and find some lower calorie solutions to your favorite foods. Try things you've never tried before and don't be afraid to mix things up. I grew up in a Southern family where everything was fried-- including the vegetables! Now, I prepare a lot of different kinds of food and love discovering new tastes that I haven't tried before.

    Find a way to keep yourself accountable. For me, counting calories is the grunt work of losing weight. I don't particularly enjoy it, but it's something I do. What I do enjoy is writing. So, I started taking advantage of the blog feature on MFP. Whatever day I'm on in my streak is the day that I include in the title. Having that accountability makes logging a fun challenge and helps me be sure to stay on track.

    Develop positive self-talk. Losing weight and becoming a more fit, active version of yourself is an endeavor of love. It's love for your body, for your life, and for your future. Telling yourself that you can't do it, looking down on your progress, and thinking the worst of yourself and your body isn't going to lead anywhere good, mentally or physically.

    Find what you love to do. Being active isn't a requirement for losing weight, but it helps a lot. For some, their bliss is running. For others, it's gymnastics, sports, or dancing. Some people like to do bodyweight workouts and some like to lift weights. It's all about what motivates you. For me personally, I found that I really love weightlifting. It makes me feel strong and helps me speak kindly to myself. I love how it tests my limits and helps me break past them. Lifting also makes me more aware of what's going on in my body and what I need from my food, which means that I get closer to my weight loss goals.

    Hopefully, these tips help you :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!

  • champion818
    champion818 Posts: 65 Member
    I lost 0.4 pounds.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I use libra to track my weight.
    It helps me to see a trend.
    So yeah... I've gained some, but the line still shows its going in the right direction for me.

    Also, as far as weighing.
    I like to keep it as close to the same variables as possible.
    It's always naked, first thing in the morning after I use the bathroom.
  • Pomodori
    Pomodori Posts: 39 Member
    I was 250lb when I started my journey, I'm now down 52lb since July.

    It is a process, it is not a quick fix.

    My personal journey included lots of lean meats, veggies and fruits with a few treats inside of my calorie goal. I included some "exercise" that I enjoy doing. That could be anything from walking to cycling.

    It works (for me anyways)!

    As for weight loss. Some weeks I was up, some I was down, some I stayed the same. I have not had a linear weight loss, it was NOT 2lb per week.

    However, perseverance always pays off, always.
    Just don't give up :-3
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    .4 lbs is awesome, don't down play that. It's .4 lbs closer to your goal. I lost 70 lbs by mainly focusing on my diet. Eat less, and eat better. Focus on things that make you feel full with less/controlled calories. For me, simple carbs make me endlessly hungry so I eat mostly veggies, meat, and fruit. Don't be afraid to slip up every so often. It's more about trends than perfection. Exercise is important for fitness for sure, but for weight loss your diet is the be all end all. Good luck, YOU CAN DO IT!